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tv   Morning Joe  MSNBC  March 6, 2024 3:00am-7:00am PST

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post trump future for her or anybody near term, but if she wants to stand on morals and principles and say it is okay not to vote for donald trump this time around, i think she would have a significant legacy and impact on the race in november. >> and her team very tight lipped last night. we didn't hear from haley personally. no speech. we'll see what happens in the days ahead if she weighs her future. brendan buck, thank you for being with us. and thanks to all of you for getting up "way too early" with us on this wednesday morning, a jam parked morning. "morning joe" starts right now. biden and trump won the most delegates but stickers said i reluctantly voted. meanwhile today taylor swift got on instagram and encouraged her 282 million followers to vote. yeah, which backfired when everyone voted for the blank space. >> all right. super tuesday in the books and
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donald trump now has 1057 delegates, that is roughly 11 for every criminal charge he is facing. he is now about 150 delegates away -- >> that is a better ratio i think than i expected. >> -- from the republican nomination. vermont denied trump a sweep where nikki haley won with just over 50% of the votes. i love vermont. >> you got to be looking at vermont and american samoa if you want to know where the race is going. and i don't understand it. we'll be talking to john heilemann later on. he will explain. >> on the democratic side, president biden cruising toward his party's nomination with high stakes state of the union address taking place tomorrow on capitol hill. but biden did have his first 2024 loss last night with entrepreneur jay c. palmer winning the caucus in american a
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me a. fewer than 100 ballots were cast in that contest. good morning and welcome to "morning joe." it is wednesday march 6. along with joe, willie and me, we have jonathan lemire. and also john heilemann is here. and also political analyst splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ claire mccaskill, she and jen whoa, how did you defeat them? with a little kung fu strength and by connecting my devices to the most powerful force of all. skadoosh. hah, huh? cool right? amazing. harness the power of xfinity internet and stay connected to the things you love. ah, they'll be like this for hours. hello dad, hello dad, hello da. uh-oh. good bunnies. ahh! i believe in my approach, but it's not what america wants right now. i have loved arizona and i am so proud of what we have delivered. are co-hosts of how to win 2024. because i use civility, >> i love christmas eve. understanding, listening, working together to get stuff i really do. and this feels like christmas eve. >> oh, good. done, i will leave the senate at >> family is all together. the end of this year. >> did you get me a present? >> independent senator, kyrsten >> yeah, a hobson shock collar. sinema, she left the party and >> i will not use the shock became an independent in 2022. collar. >> he goes right back there. she most recently served as the >> no. >> i've never had one before. >> we're 24 hours out from a lead negotiators on the failed
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bipartisan border bill and appeared to be facing an up humping-gate in your backyard. >> he's 120 pounds and he hillary election battle. just -- >> he's a big one. >> so hobson wants you all to himself. basically if you and joe -- ruben gallego is running for her >> yes. and he can't even -- hobson is republican seat, along with wela right there. right. >> you're saying hobson prefers woman who is going to have a very mixed legacy. joe to you? >> yeah. >> no. >> the opposite. >> really mixed. she did some things that frankly >> even if i hug mika, i could be hugginging her and just go -- were real head scratchers, particularly, you know, the zzz. memorable moment where she kind just in case. >> this is my security dog. of courtesied when she said no >> so basically when you hug on minimum wage was something mika, provokes the humping. that stuck in a lot of people's craw in terms of democratic >> i know people have this problem and someone will help me party, and also her -- some of out. >> there is hobson. the stuff on some of the tax >> i don't want to use the shock stuff was very bad, that she collar. >> hobson is a good looking dog. would stand up for carried interest, you know, that was very sweet. crazy. >> the size of a shetland pony. i don't know what that was about. >> all right guy, steve kornacki but i do think, as much as maybe is here. >> yeah, he doesn't want to talk some people listening don't want to hear this, she did do some of about dogs. he wants to talk about maps. the hard work in terms of
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>> i'm interested. negotiating deals to get stuff across the finish line, and >> we all have our thing and this is steve's thing. people who are willing to so go ahead, steve at the big compromise and meet in the board. middle are in short, short i'm excited. >> no offense, i am llergic to supply in washington and i fear that after november they are going to be in even shorter supply. dogs. >> boo! she worked harder at getting along with the republicans than >> i'm allergic to the american she did the democrats because she wanted to make deals, she flag. >> nothing against a dog. wanted to get things passed. >> apple pie. you know, that's what she wants when people say they are her legacy to be. allergic to dogs, you just cut i think frankly her legacy is going to be very mixed. the conversation off and focus on your maps. >> mixed. >> hopefully not allergic to coming up, with president this big board. what we see, trump right now biden bring in voters that backed nikki haley? emerging last night with 1057 we will talk to jen palmeri about that and how to win 2024. delegates. there are still some yet to be "morning joe" is back in a allocated, so i think that moment. o win 2024 "morning joe" is back in a number will rise a bit. moment it may hit 1070 a little north of that when all is counted. and that is significant on the republican side because of this, the magic number of 1215
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delegates, that is what is needed to formally claim the republican nomination. and if you add another dozen or so to trump's total, if you look at the results last night and look ahead to next week, it is georgia, mississippi, washington state, it is hawaii. caucus, closed primary, two states in the south where we can show you here in a second donald trump wasn't just winning last night in the south, he was winning by very large margins. long way of saying between these four states next week and where the delegate total is likely to end up, when everything is tallied from last night, donald trump is on track to have a very good shot of clearing that threshold one week from last night on march 12th. we'll see if nikki haley is still in the race then. but that is on the docket potentially for next week. but results from last week, you were talking early in the primary season, nikki haley's line was she was getting 43 in new hampshire, 40 in south carolina, she was calling it, quote, the 40%.
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she was saying 40% consistently not going to donald trump. that number is not what we were seeing last night. if haley were having a really good night last night and i think if she were getting the kind of energy that she does have in new hampshire and south carolina, a state like virginia would have been a ripe target to her. a lot of voters with college degree, sort of her bread and butter. and she loses this thing by 28 points. that is the worst showing than south carolina, worst in new hampshire, even though virginia more demographically favorable to her than those states. you go south to north carolina, i don't think a lot of folks including the haley folks probably thought they would win north carolina, but there are airs in north carolina, triangle, charlotte, college areas where it looks ripe for her. and she will lose the state by more than 50 points last night.
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you see it in tennessee. she doesn't crack 50. no surprise she lost alabama, but only with 13% of the vote. you go arkansas, she couldn't crack 20 there. and then i think the biggest noteworthy state last night just on this front is texas. she will lose it by 60 points. and again, we talk about the areas haley had been doing relatively well in early in southern new hampshire, in south carolina, she won congressional district in south carolina, these suburban areas around austin, houston, the metroplex, dallas, again on paper you look at the demographics and you say haley may not win texas, but she could start picking off some districts here. just getting clobbered haley was in these suburban areas. collin county north of dallas, she's losing it by 45 points. 52 points, take a look here, this is one of the wealthiest counties in texas.
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she's losing it by 57 points last night. so you add all of this together, she did pick off a win late at night in vermont. going into this thinking if haley had a shot anywhere, probably vermont was top of that win. she does get the narrow win and the ability to say she won a state. but if you add up -- i'll show you california's results too. a closed primary, but under 20% there and more votes to be counted. i point that out because one thing we've been tracking is just was the cumulative vote last night. if you added together all of the primaries, all the caucuses on the republican side, what share of the vote was haley getting given she had been using that 40% as sort of a talking point and campaign trail. a lot of votes coming from california, currently running at just under 24%, about 23 -- excuse me, just under 23%. 22.8% right now. again with the california results, if they keep up where they are, that number could fall
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earlier. so essentially the 40% she's ♪i'm hearing different ways for me to screen for colon cancer.♪ been talking about on the ♪it's time to use my voice,♪ ♪i've got a choice, more than one answer.♪ ♪i sat down with my doc.♪ we had a talk. ♪knew just what to say.♪ ♪i asked for cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer campaign trail heading into last that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ nikki haley is set to end her presidential campaign just over an hour from now. night, last night translated to just a tick over 20% for her. we will have the very latest straight ahead on "morning joe." >> steve kornacki, thank you so much. greatly appreciate it. >> you're the best. >> we have a terrier poodle coming your way as thanks from your friends as "morning joe." it sheds. >> and a shock collar go with it. >> no, no, you don't ever use one of those. willie, despite the fact donald trump is doing very well last night and his side of the ring, a side that lost seven years in a row and sure to lose again this year if the democrats and independents work hard, he kept trashing america. that is donald trump's message. ronald reagan, talking about a city shining brightly on the hill, but donald trump's message is america sucks.
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it was america sucks before he got elected, it is america sucks now. he talked about the carnage even after he got elected. he lied about an illegal invasion when barack obama and joe biden had rates at 50 year lows of illegal border crossings. last night again, we're a third world country. were very really? i didn't know third world countries had unemployment below 4% two years running for the first time since the 1960s. inflation down to 3.1%. historically low. you look at our gdp, compare that to the rest of the world. not third world. first world. we're doing better than all of our friends. we're doing better than all of our allies. we're doing better than all the people who consider themselves to be america's enemies. our economy is stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world.
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military stronger than ever. cull -- and i'm not being flip when i say look at taylor swift, look at the fashions people are wearing. the united states, more powerful culturally, economically, more powerful militaily than ever before. and i don't know, i'm an american. so i'm kind of proud of that. and we fret about a movement that is based on the proposition that the united states of america sucks. that is donald trump's message. that is donald trump's message. and i will say fox news talks about how america sucks or newsmax talks about how america sucks. they are liars. they are liars. they will find a trans athlete that competed in a race two
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years ago, run it all day, and forget to tell everybody that jobless rates are lower now than anytime -- >> or that donald trump has been indicted. >> -- anytime since the 1960s. or they won't talk about the surveys. they will say oh, my god, they let smsh read a poem on a ship which defied a war and then ignore one study after another after another that shows, let me say it again, the united states militarily, far from being woke and weak, more powerful relatively to the rest of the world's militaries than anytime since 1945. that is crazy thing. donald trump's campaign is based on so many lies. to me the most offensive is that we're a third world country,
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that our economy sucks, that our military sucks, that our democracy sucks. when in fact just the opposite is true. we are the greatest in the world. i'm proud to be an american. this is the greatest country in the world. and yet donald trump wins votes. what is wrong with you people? why do you hate america, why do you vote for a guy that says america is terrible? that it is a third world >> woman: why did we choose safelite? >> vo: driving around is how we get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we trusted the experts. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ultomiris is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody positive. it is lasting control over your gmg symptoms. and, ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with 8 weeks of freedom between infusions. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious, life-threatening meningococcal and other types of infections. if not vaccinated, you must receive meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris and if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive 2 weeks of antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is here. ask your doctor about managing your generalized myasthenia gravis with ultomiris. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. and we have no choice -- >> yeah, okay. country? when willie, all the evidence is you know, it's -- it is -- okay. to the contrary. i will say that it is a decision that we revisit constantly in this is why they lose every year because they run campaigns terms of the balance between dedicated to trashing the greatest country on the face of allowing somebody to knowingly the earth. >> and that was to your point lie on your air about things his speech last night, his victory speech, which he looked they have lied about before and you can predict they are going exhausted by the way. i don't know what is going on to lie about and so, therefore, there. >> feel sorry for him. it is just -- it's irresponsible so b muttering through a to allow them to do that. it's a balance between knowing that that's irresponsible to
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broadcast and also knowing that meandering speech. but you're right, he talked about the economy being a as the de facto, soon to be de disaster. which is not true. facto nominee of the republican party, this is not only the man yes, inflation is ticking down who is likely to be the republican candidate for but still too high. president, but this is the way he said we stopped producing oil he's running. >> well, here is how to balance after i left office, we're t one, we fact check the hell producing more oil than we ever out of him. >> yes, and we do that after the have right now. >> could you say that again? because i have yahoo!s come up fact and that is the best remedy that we've got. to me fox news says joe biden it does not fix the fact that we broadcast it honestly. not letting us drill. >> it's stunning that she's saying these things and people they don't talk that way. maybe i'm projecting my voice on are hearing it. that we have the most to these college -- i mean, like devastating economy? we said, you will hear this from are you kidding me? we have had the best economic people with advanced degrees. recovery of any country in the developed world. he's telling an audience right you go no, could you read the there the paltry oil production, financial times? fake news! we are producing more oil today could you read the "wall street than we ever have in the history of our country. journal"? it will tell you america is think about the american rescue plan, the infrastructure plan. drilling more oil today than we have created more jobs, 3.2 ever before. and when it comes to natural million more jobs than we had gas, our biggest problem is we got too much. pre-pandemic. the problem that we do have is we got a glut. inflation and so what donald >> carnage. trump does is prey upon the fact that people don't necessarily
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>> and he will layout all of feel good and life is expensive. the -- >> pure carnage. but when it comes to facts, here >> he will layout all the lies is something that's absolutely nonsensical and infuriating, when people's wages go up, they to cheers. people could easily know the credit themselves, they say i'm truth. and maybe they do and it is good at my job, i just got a willful, cheering on the lies. raise, but when everything costs more they blame the government. >> when did rooting against the and wages are up, which is a huge positive and one of the united states become a punch reasons -- one of those reasons line? >> i don't know, but the truth wages are up is all the union is he has no rationale for his wins in the last two years and, campaign unless there is a story remember, president biden has that america sucks which it does stood with those unions. not for the record. and if it doesn't and he is not you know, welcome back to coming into rescue us from "morning joe." something, then there is no you know, we talked about how reason to vote for him. >> let's go back and think about neil cavuto at fox is fact what his rationale was in the first place. checking donald trump's lies, has he ever had a rationale? steve doocy at fox will fact only one was he thought it would help his brand. check the lie, bret baier done he's a liar and marketer. republicans who went to the it as well, our friend harold white house when he was president would come back and i would go over and talk to them ford does it as well, but there, and go how was it and they are willie, last night we saw it on msnbc and it's just something like he has no idea what is that has to be done. going on -- >> you mean republican senators. when you have donald trump hating on america, saying >> yeah, republican senators would go to the white house and america sucks, saying that america has the worst economy in
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come back -- like do a meeting the world, saying that our on health care and they would economy is a joke, when, in come back and they would say he has no idea what the law is. fact, well, first time since the 1960s that unemployment has been so this is not somebody who below 4% for a couple of years cares about anything other than running, talks about crime is position. absolutely out of control. and sad thing is he figured out it is in some cities and i will tell you what it really pisses marketing grievance was the most me off that city councils won't powerful thing he could market in america. pass the tough laws that need to because there are a lot of be passed to make some cities americans, and we need to safer, but overall crime rates realize this, who believe they have worked hard and played by they are at a 50-year low in the rules and somehow it hasn't worked out for them. america. just a reality. they can't afford to retire, the thing that really bothers me they can't afford to send their kids to college. and they were looking for so much is when he starts someone who is going to tell talking about how our military them, you know, you've been is weak, when republicans talk screwed over. and by the way, irony is this is about how it's weak and woke. our military is stronger by a guy with gold gilded toilets. pharrell testify to the rest of the world. anytime since 1945 the end of but that is what is going on world war ii. it's not even close. here. certainly what happened in my state. but last night i think was not a i will tell you i've been good night for donald trump. fortunate enough to be able to travel around the world over the past couple of years and, yeah, he know we spend a lot of time they're worried about trump, but talking about how he won, but do you know how many states that nobody is going, gee, i wish donald trump won by more than a 70 point margin? america would exert its
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influence across the globe more. no, they're pissed off because two. do you know how many states joe biden won by more than a 70 we're exerting our influence point margin? across the globe too much. every single one but two. america is strong. i've heard that from european leaders, i've heard it from so the party is united on the democratic side and they got a leaders in the middle east. big war going on in their party. like america is out there. guarantee you trump will win america is flexing its muscles. that war, but they still have a this is not like this -- this war. >> and we're just getting significant news in, reports that nikki haley has called for a news conference at 10:00 lead from behind donald trump eastern time this morning. some reports that she may fortress america bs. suspend her campaign. we haven't confirmed that yet, right? i mean, this is a very strong but she will speak at 10:00 this morning and the expectation may be that she is moving on now muscular america that now has from this campaign. made a stronger than it's ever >> exiting the race. been. it literally nato, 50, 60 years, >> jump ball. go. >> i'll go first. stronger today than it has ever weird to beat heilemann to the been. >> adding members, yeah. >> adding members all the time. punch. >> he's like the hobson of -- and ukraine, what is ukraine >> eagerly moving in. fighting for? to be more like us. >> if he got the ball first, i would never get it back. that is the lesson i've learned why are all these people at the
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here. first on -- border? why do they want to come into >> instead of hobson, we'll call our country? you the kobe. they're not doing that to >> on haley yes, "wall street russia. they're all leaving russia. journal" is reporting that she will not immediately endorse donald trump. so we'll see if that changes in they'd love to leave china. they'd love to leave north the days and weeks ahead. korea. you know, jfk said for all of she won vermont, she won the america's problems, and we have district of columbia, but she some, we never had to put up a also gave voice to this part of wall to keep people in. the republican party that doesn't want to go back to the no, our problem is just the chaos of donald trump, that sees opposite. that as an electoral loser. everyone across the world wants to come to america. haley night after night would point to polls that suggest she would beat president biden why? best economy in the world. somewhat handily at least in a snapshot of polling that we see best promise for their children today. in the world. that is not the case for trump. best colleges in the world. i think she to her credit stayed best hospitals. in this race and gave also a best medical care in the world. if you are sick and dying and you are in the middle east, you voice to audiences that are in europe, you're somewhere otherwise wouldn't hear them and i think we're seeing that else, you can go somewhere reflected in some of the republican primaries who heard there, chances are good they haley on fox news and in want to get to the united states conservative media and realized and go to the mayo clinic or md that they simply don't want to go down that pathogen. anderson, one of the this is trump's party still, the extraordinary hospitals we have from boston down to new york, gop not ready to turn the page philadelphia, you name it.
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yet. and donald trump is telling that audience that we suck. >> and we can confirm now nikki it's just -- it's -- not mind haley will drop out of the race during those remarks at 10:00 blowing that he would say it. eastern. john, just percentages. nikki haley won vermont and also it is mind blowing that the 35% in virginia, 30% in party of ronald reagan that once minnesota, 333% in colorado, 41% believed that we were a city shining on the hill brightly for in utah. those are not insignificant all the world to see, that that percentages of the republican party saying we don't want party has now embraced a man donald trump. >> could you imagine barack whose message is simple, america obama running a third time and getting anything less than what joe biden is getting? 95%. sucks. >> the point of iowa and what without donald trump america would happen if barack obama had sucks. that's his message. won for the iowa caucuses in it is the most unamerican, most 2016 or something. i will say to your point earlier, nikki haley's big victories turn out to be autocratic, most unreagan-ite, washington, d.c. and vermont. most unconservative message in the history of this republic by and as joe has said, montpelier a major party candidate. >> and in that listless speech and dupont circle so goes the last night, that victory speech republican party. he gave last night, he said,
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not the places that you want to quote, our country is a joke. win if you are going to be the just think about that. republican nominee. the guy who wants to be but your point is right. i watched a little of fox news president again, who wants to last night and no less liberal get back to the white house, thinks our country is a joke. than karl rove was on making the trashes it at every turn. says the world is laughing at list of those numbers and he was us. goes on and on and on, and it's very pointed last night. all fundamentally based on lies whether places like north like you said about the economy, carolina where the numbers are about the military, about relatively small or where she immigration. all of these things that he took somewhere between 40% and talks b there was another axios 20%, any of those numbers, if reporting from the business donald trump can't reclaim round table, takes a survey of pretty much all of the nikki ceos every year. ceo confidence on the economy haley vote, donald trump can't right now is through the roof. afford to lose votes about. >> yeah. >> and they're expecting more >> and we actually have that. can we show it? capital investment, they're expect to go hire more, they're expecting the economy to boom through the end of the year. that's from ceos. reacting to the tuesday night the stock market we haven't each talked about. results, karl rove warned that breaking highs. >> record highs. donald trump could be in trouble >> breaking records all the time. in november if he can't bring in other words, donald trump is nikki haley voters back to his telling a story that just isn't true to create a reality which is not true that he's going to camp. come in and save us from. >> team trump ought to be concerned about unifying the that he's the only man who can republican party because as we do this but people know.
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they see there's data, there are see in these states, a third of facts, this he see through it. the vote in virginia, 43% of the we have jonathan lemire with us, vote in massachusetts going to eddie glaude jr., former white nikki haley, a quarter of the house director of communications vote in north carolina, maine to president obama jen palmeri, now dropped down to about a she's co-post of the msnbc quarter of the vote, but it was podcast "how to win 2024" and 31% for nikki haley, vermont democratic strategist -- >> we're talking about some 48%. still work to be done to unify the republican party. algorithms. >> when i was a younger man, i >> co-host of the "politics war wasn't as calm as i am now. room" podcast, james carville. and if i have ever gotten in james has all the algorithm he needs under that lsu hat right primary results that had me there. james, let's begin with you. giving up a third of my primary some reaction to last night, to the results, to nikki haley dropping out here coming up in voters as incumbent, 40%, there just a few minutes and also to would have been cabinets -- what we hear constantly from donald trump. >> well, i just have to respond filing scab nets in my office to the conversation y'all had before. would have probably been kicked the problem we're told is we over. have a buying criminal that would have been a scene from spinal tap. >> maybe there is a sandwich on makes up -- is running for president and was president. but i think the bigger problem the wall. is the people that believe this. >> i would not have been happy. the fact that he -- you know, people didn't understand that he's been documented lied 30,000 haven't run before how bad
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those -- and we aren't just times, but after all of this, in spite of all of the evidence, saying this. for an incumbent how bad those there are way too many people numbers are. in your primary if you give up out there that believe what he 40% in your primary or 33% in says and, you know, the country your primary, that is just it has to want to get better. really bad for the general jamie dimon, joe, to your point election. >> really bad. and the point is really important here. famously said no one ever went first of all, primary voters are not general election voters. broke betting on america. you would be a rich man today if they are the most intense voters you just doubled down on america every year. in the spectrum. we have to try to remember that they feel most strongly about as we go forward in this their candidate or they feel campaign. he's going to keep lying unfortunately but the worst part most strongly against a candidate. people will keep believing him. so that is why the primary >> more from james in just a showing this kind of schism in second. we do want to get to south the republican party is really carolina because as i mentioned good news for joe biden. some breaking news this morning, we can talk about uncommitted nikki haley will exit the 2024 voters in minnesota or michigan, presidential race. this morning in a speech expected at the top of the hour but they are sending a message here. and no indication those folks nbc news correspondent ali vitali is covering the haley aren't going to be voting for joe biden in november. campaign in daniel island, south i don't think those are people that really think donald carolina. trump -- >> by the way in michigan, you ali, good morning. again, what more do we know? see what donald trump said >> reporter: good morning again, yesterday? willie.
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if it had been ten years ago talking about gaza, will he just finish them off. professor carville could have failed me in his class for you the guy that talks about the cutting him off to come to me in charleston. i'm thankful to be where we are muslim registry. just finish the problem off. now. the vibe on the ground is such he is a guy that moved the that we are starting to see campaign staffers flowing into embassy to jerusalem, talked this headquarters, we know that about a muslim registry? this speech is set to start at 10:00 this morning. we expect nikki haley to remove seriously. >> this is a real issue for him. herself from contention for the republican primary nomination. i'm not saying joe biden doesn't of course, we had seen these tea have to work hard in terms of keeping the coalition together leaves last night as i was alone and talking to those people that out here, outside of campaign didn't vote yesterday, that only headquarters, the only -- the vote in november, but this is only network to be able to find where this campaign was hunkered really a problem for donald down. we saw just as we were leaving trump. and the great thing about it? i don't think that he sees it. around midnight people starting to bring in equipment that i think he's too busy saying is looked like they were going to be staging an event. it quite orange enough? of course, that is now what we does it need to be more orange? have confirmed and what we are expecting to see. in terms of what these remarks >> that share really bothering are going to say, i'm told you. >> did you see it last night? they're going to be very short, it is like it has a light coming but that haley is not expected from it that says carrot. to endorse in these remarks, it is crazy. instead she's basically going to say to trump, hey, the ball is >> and just to go back to where in your court. time for you to start to work to
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we were before, here is a relevant comparison. earn the voters back that i had in history when jimmy carter got actually won to my cause. i have to tell you over the challenged by ted kennedy in course of the last year as i've been following the haley 1980, he said ted kennedy campaign, but especially coming into focus over the course of destroyed jimmy carter's chance the last few weeks, voters of winning the general election. across the country who i find at if you look at those primaries, haley events tell me by a two to ted kennedy did about as well as one margin that they are not nikki haley is doing now. interested in voting for donald and people will say, well, you trump. what that means for them in november kind of splits off from know, donald trump is not there, some of them say that incoming president, but to your they are going to just stay point he is effectively. home, they don't want to vote it is like the right prism to for biden or trump. others of them say that they will hold their nose and vote recognize the way a primary can for biden. hurt someone, this is a guy who i'm not just hearing that from came in as a -- independents although that is a substantial part of the haley coalition we've seen be built >> a party for january 2016, across many of these states. i'm saying that from people who he's owned it. tell me that they are life-long >> so you think about that is republicans who do not think what this foretells. that trump should be the standard bearer of their party nikki haley in one scenario, and that they could vote for plausible scenario, has done to biden simply because of that. >> nbc's ali vitali covering the donald trump what ted kennedy did to jimmy carter in 1980. announcement just under an hour and that was not a close from now that we expect to hear
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nikki haley dropping out of the nomination fight. carter mopped the floor with 2024 presidential race. thanks so much. james, back to you briefly kennedy throughout the primaries and caucuses. here about nikki haley, about what she did over the last donald trump's message of couple of months in taking on america sucks was powerful and finally donald trump in a more frontal way, but also what we saw last night in many states which was nikki haley, though potent into 16. she lost, only won the state of to allowed him to do things vermont, picking up 25%, 30%, in people thought he could never do. he came out of nowhere, ran the some places 40% of the vote in a table. there are a lot of people in america who believe america does republican primary of voters suck and think that there was an saying we are not going along for the ride with donald trump. american in the 1950s or 1960s when it was a less diverse america, when white people ruled >> she got some -- i wouldn't everything, when women were call them impressive numbers, still in their place, all of but really exposed trump's weakness. that, that nostalgia candidate he is a lot weaker than we like trump was. an america that was supposedly to believe. her donors stuck with her pretty great back then and now sucks was enough to make him president good. in 2016. the difference now is the same it was all inevitable for sure, message, right, he is just -- but it was a pretty impressive again i go back to fat elvis. group of people that came out and supported her. it is fat elvis playing the hits obviously she's going to recede, that he doesn't recognizes but 30% of the people that voted country, his party, have not
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for her are going to have -- wholly moved on from, but not play a large part in this 2016 anymore and it is like -- election coming up in november depending on what they do, if and the energy level, i feel like i've been on the low nfl they go -- stay with trump, if they vote for biden, do they not donald beat thorn. the energy level, he is not just vote, do they vote for a third fat elvis, he is flaccid elvis. party? it is a key demographic here, he is playing this kind of like the haley vote, 30% of republicans have voted for slow paced kind of lazy, kind of haley, will be interesting to see where they go. >> james, when donald trump was tired version of these hits. on his way to winning in 2016 you and several other democrats and they go over in the room and crowds are smaller and the were concerned about the energy is lower. and it is not 2016. democrats' campaign. it is a retread, but also like a i'm curious, do you have concerns about the biden low energy retread. that is the big difference now. campaign, their ability to identify the voters they need to get in wisconsin, michigan and >> and you also look at a guy, pennsylvania, pull them out to the polls and beat donald trump and we've known him for a long in the states that matter? time, we see considerable >> you know, joe, i think -- i collapse mentally in many ways know the people running his campaign, i find them all to be when gets up on stage. experienced, i find them as to for any of us that have had loved ones, parents, friends who the person to be talented. have lost their ability and get the problem of course with biden and we all know what it is is
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into early onset of dementia or he's got a huge issue to overcome in terms of his age. whatever it is, you look at i see people getting mad at the saturday night, his face twisted "new york times" for asking the and contorted as he is trying to question, well, you can't answer a question until you ask it, and finish his sentence, having trouble completing words. that's the big obstacle they have going forward. i don't have a problem with his he's not what he was. campaign, mitch or mike donlon i know you won't, but you could read the "new yorker" article and the interview of joe biden or quinton folks or any of these people but it's a daunting in oshkosh, but if you really challenge they're faced with in want to know the truth, if terms of getting people to see people have time for the truth, biden as offering -- read that article. exactly my experience with joe biden spending a couple of hours >> jen o'malley dillon really great, ran an incredible with him. guy knows the world, guy knows campaign in 2020. they all have to feel good about the math forward and backwards. her being there. how do you address the age as i was talking to him, i was issue? i'm just curious, do you agree with people close to biden, wishing dr. brzezinski could people who have been friends with biden for a long time, that maybe he's been protected a there been because they would little too much? still be having incredible let the guy get out there.
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conversations. but there is no doubt donald >> well, i mean, those decisions trump is in a different universe how much he gets out there has than joe biden. to be made by him and has to be >> joe biden knows who he is running against. made by people that interact that is the other thing, you with him every day and understand what the benefits and the risks are. never hear -- but it's hard for me to sit here [ everybody talking at once ] 1,000 miles away and say, well, >> i was ready, i was in my position. >> i got it, grabbed it. you should do this with him when >> it was my revenge tour. they are more in tune to what he's capable of doing or not capable of doing. i thought it was telling that when he didn't do the super bowl interview, but, you know, to >> no question first of all their credit they came back and donald trump is only a couple years younger than joe biden and put him onset myers which i think helped a little bit, but i showing real signs of decline. people say they are stage don't -- this is a big obstacle managing him more, he speaks at that they're faced with and they far fewer events than ever have to deal with it. >> right. before. the concern of fatigue and >> but the good news for the misstatements and there have been a number. biden campaign is trump is very and he's under an extraordinary weak. you saw it exposed in the amount of strain. republican primaries, you're going to see more exposure with his first criminal trial starts this march 25th trial coming up in a couple weeks. in new york, a much underplayed and he has to pay about a half event. he's not the most coherent million in various fees. person that ever lived, either.
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>> and he eats badly, he doesn't >> i tell you what, we are very concerned for his health. exercise, opposite of joe biden who exercises every day, on a pretty tight diet. he's slowing down so much and actually does what you are looks -- i mean, the energy supposed to do. >> ice cream aside. level is just completely and trump at most play a little collapsed and gets lost time and time again, sometimes just looks golf. and his campaign doesn't have like he's short-circuiting. any money. i think that will loom large. i think we are all worried about the health of him. this is the week where general democratic strategist james election really begins. carville, thank you so much. this is when it is trump-biden. great to see you as always. >> thank you very much. and ali vitali my former a campaign that will be 2 plus student, go get it. billion dollars, that is a that girl is killing it up significant advantage. >> and the money donald trump there, man. killing it. does have is going to his legal >> she is. thank you, james. bills. he is hustling his hard working you know, there's such a challenge for the biden team voters, supporters respect to pay off his legal bills. because, as i've said here on the show over the past couple -- i've spent a good bit of time >> they can't pay what he owes. with joe biden, i've spent a >> what about family members like jared who got his saudi couple of hours with joe biden money? >> jared could help. sitting, talking, going around jared is sitting on plenty. the world as far as talking issues, talking the economy,
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he did his two in the white talking inflation, and i must house and came out the other end say when i was talking to him my with a gazillion dollars. thought wasn't, oh, poor guy. >> and now they are talking about elon musk coming in with a my thought was, oh, my god, i wish dr. brzezinski were on the big check. do you really think -- he knows other side of the table right he's a grifter. now because these two guys -- i elon muskgrifter. mean, 50 years of experience, and joe biden hasn't forgotten it. he may get pissed off at a press conference and he may be thinking about the mexican >> we digress. border deal and say mexico >> i think he was micro dosing that day. >> whenever you talk about the instead of egypt. trump and biden comparison, keep he knows what he's talking b he everybody on the apples to circles back around, gets to apples comparison. read that "new yorker" article. egypt. there is never a moment where he might misplace a word here or there, but you talk to him for joe biden says he is running hours at a time. is he slower? does he move slower? against george w. bush or yeah, he moves slower. is he stiffer? running against -- trump almost yeah, he moves stiffer. every day forgets that he is does he have trouble walking running against biden versus sometimes? yeah, so did fdr. we get out of the depression, we obama. every day you see some video won a gd war against naziism and where trump makes that mistake. and biden who is supposedly the against the japanese. senile one you never see that happen. we acknowledge he's not the but comparing that guy's mental
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perfect candidate, but he has state -- i've said it for years the presence of mind to know who he is running against. now, he's cogent, but i >> and he knows who the speaker of the house is. undersold him when i said he was >> and a lot of other things. cogent. >> not nikki, nikki, nikki. he's far beyond cogent. in fact, i think he's better than he's ever been he doesn't do that. and i'll tell you something else, apples to apples, and i'm intellectually, analytically, because he's been around for 50 dead serious, it is a damn shame years and, you know, i don't know if people know this or not, that donald trump won't submit biden used to be a hot head. to this because he's such a coward when it comes to sometimes that irishman would politics, but it would be great to have joe biden right there, get in front of the reasoning, sometimes he would say things he didn't want to say. donald trump right there, around any table and there is no this is -- and i don't -- you shouting, no this, no insults. we're going to ask you about know what i don't really -- start your tape right now because i'm about to tell you policy. the truth. and actually have them talk and eff you if you can't handle policy. because joe biden like i said can take you around the world the truth. 100 times. this version of biden you ask him what is happening in sudan, he will take you through intellectually, analytically, is it and what the united states the best biden ever. should do, what his not a close second. administration is doing. and i have known him for years. you ask him about what is the brzezinskis have known him
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happening in the ukraine, he for 50 years. will give you about five if it weren't the truth i wouldn't say it. different angles looking at it. and you read "the new yorker" i'm serious. donald trump, he will tell you i interview, i don't think it's would end the war tomorrow. going to make a huge difference and that is a crazy thing that in oshkosh or the upper is so maddening when it comes to peninsula of michigan, but if you want to know the truth, if you really give a damn, if issue. donald trump has never known anybody out there gives a damn them, claire. about the truth, read that like the republican senators interview and you will sit and that said he knows nothing, they read through that and you will say that because he's never made go, oh, my god, there's just no it his business to understand comparison between joe biden and anything. there is no comparison between donald trump. historians will look back and donald trump and joe biden when they will say why was this race it comes to knowing the facts you need to know to be president of the united states. close in february, in early none. march? because it makes no sense. >> and remember 16 members of donald trump's cabinet are you've been around biden enough saying don't vote for donald to know. he's not going to -- he's not trump. okay? going to run a 4.22 at the 16 members of his cabinet are combines. saying donald trump is not the >> no. >> but he might damn well save guy. meanwhile you've got joe biden, western democracy from russia. >> all of that is right and the and we know the real job of challenge now for the biden team president, he could win a is to change the narrative
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jeopardy contest about policy, because that's not the story joe biden could, but that is not what the president's role is. that most americans believe if the president's role is to we are to accept the polls, that surround himself with the best they are more concerned about and brightest people to execute biden's age than trump. senator chris coons of delaware, policy and assert his judgment this week was saying we need to at key moments. let joe be joe. let him be out there on the his judgment is great. road, let him be his best self. and this is shown by the people jen palmeri, there's a major he surrounded himself with. compare and contrast that to opportunity looming this week to what you would see with a donald start changing that story line and that is the state of the trump second administration. he learned his lesson, he didn't union thursday night. the president will follow that want anybody that is smart with some campaigning in enough to tell him he's wrong philadelphia and atlanta, two and he can't do anything. key states, but what kind of he is going to have a cabinet of message and perhaps in the world sick sick owe fantss who will we live in with where optics matter for a lot, what kind of performance does biden need to deliver on thursday to start say whatever thing he wants to changing the narrative so be said. so it is such a contrast that american people can see what we're talking about? >> i feel really optimistic people need to keep front of after coming out of the mind. >> and when he says -- trump presidential primary season for the democrats in that trump says i would end the war in ukraine tomorrow that means that consistently does not get republican votes, you know, 20 he would cave to vladimir putin and give him whatever he wants. to 40% of republicans are still but to claire's point, we're not voting for him. talking cosmetics, is this guy there is no energy, there is no
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anti-biden energy in the too old, but listen to the democratic party. if that was going to happen that substance of what they are was going to reveal itself in saying. what donald trump was saying last night. it was lie after lie after lie new hampshire. biden is not getting all of his votes from 2020, that means he about the economy. everything he said about our has room to grow. trump has tapped out, he is at economy was wrong, whether employment data or oil 93% according to the "new york times" poll of his supporters production, he is making up a from 2020 so he doesn't have story about this country so he can come in and ride to the room to grow. and the white house, he is -- rescue, a story that is not you know this, i mean, the true. he is talking about the secret president is out there more. flights of 300,000 migrants that >> starting to be. >> he takes questions from the press -- starting to, that's have been dropped into the fair. i mean, in the last four, five united states to raucous weeks he takes questions from applause in the room. he is telling a story that is the press, multiple days a week. you saw him -- you saw him onset not true. listen to the substance. myers, you saw him taking the cosmetics, superficial part questions, you know, at the ice about joe biden and how he cream situation, not the best to walks, that is interesting and talk about gaza, but still he's if you think that is important, that is up to you. but listen to what they are taking questions. there has been a ton of saying. >> fdr ended the depression, won battleground state travel and there's going to be more. a war against naziism and they're going to amp that up. they're going to double that in the coming days. japanese imperilism, he didn't then i think for the state of the union he can set -- you walk so well. so again, you can focus on what know, we did a thing on the you want to focus on, but it is circus when trump -- biden went to israel of footage from him
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crazy. as wilgly was saying, it is lie from when he was 29 years old, after lie after lie that we senator with gandhi, all through really need more people on other the senate foreign relations chair, vice president, president of the united states. networks and this network, over you're like this, of course, he network when donald trump starts doing that, to do what kneel has -- his whole career, his whole life has been building to cavuto does. this moment to be this president he will just pull out of a in the united states and he is speech and say listen, i have to ready to do it. >> when does it pay off? tell you, he said the election it pays off when america has was stolen, there is absolutely horrible relations with china, no evidence of that, 63 president xi comes to san courts -- and goes down the francisco and joe biden can go line. the economy is worse than it has out there and talk to a guy that ever been. none of the numbers show that. the economy is actually stronger he's known since they were both than anywhere else in the world. the number two in their country and, guess what, there's no sort that is what he does at 4:00 of measuring the other person p.m. steve doocy does it a good up. there's a familiarity and they bit as well. sit down and they talk through democracy depends on people at every network doing that. it. my god, how remarkable, progress >> the problem is there are more anchors and hosts who do the is made. our militaries are talking to opposite and promise you will each other again. gates the lies. >> and trying to navigate but you're right, it would help if news host wouldyou will ukraine and then israel and gaza. so i think biden should project gates the lies. but you're right, it would help if news host would deliver the that tomorrow night, that level
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news at fact. of experience and walk us with nikki haley exiting the through what he inherited and where he brought us. that's sort of the context race later this morning the that's been missing i think in general election starts today. terms of economic james carville will join us with accomplishments. and then of course where are we his analysis. going to go. plus as joe mentioned, cash laid a great foundation, where are we going to go? that's the piece that's been strapped donald trump meets with missing. >> can i just say it's such elon musk, what we're learning bs -- here is the lie that joe about their reported discussion. biden is running against, other than the big lie and all the also ahead kyrsten sinema of other lies here. arizona says she won't be the lie that things were magical seeking re-election. what that could mean ahead of under donald trump. november in that critical swing that the economy was better state. state. under donald trump. before covid everything was -- no, it wasn't. before covid donald trump was we're a nation that just recently heard saudi arabia and ranked seventh in presidents russia will be -- oh. and since 1960 regarding economic russia will be -- oh growth. by the way, for some reason, oh, there's this pass, we are not going to talk about covid because of course covid was bad. ♪ yeah, covid was much, much worse you were always so dedicated... ♪ because of donald trump. why can't we say it? we worked hard to build up the shop, at a time when we should have save for college and our retirement. been taking more precautions, he
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but we got there, was telling people to put bleach thanks to our advisor and vanguard. in their veins, he was telling now i see who all that hard work was for... people if there's some way we it was always for you. could just put lights under the seeing you carry on our legacy— skin they would be okay. doing all of these stupid i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, things. he made -- whether you're going from the right or the left, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. donald trump made all the wrong that's the value of ownership. calls on covid. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. >> somehow that has been lost. that the way covid turned out in accept the trade offs of treating? this country was inevitable, it or push through the pain and symptoms? was just a fact that it was the way it was going to be. with ubrelvy, there's another option. that's not true. >> no. >> go back four years ago to one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. down playing covid, it's one case coming in from china, we treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are can go on and on and on down the list. or if it's too late. he could have had his moment, do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. the guy he talks about being, a allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. big ceo, a big strong general, a most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. big leader and said, here is what we're going to do, we have migraine pain relief starts with you. to shut things down for a little bit, we're going to figure out, ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie we're going to race to a vaccine could help you save. (♪♪) which his administration did actually and we're going to get with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, through this together. he chose not to. he stepped aside and said it's but my time to enjoy it. going to take care of itself. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo.
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>> if he had been a ceo he could (♪♪) have instead of just lying about it, killing hundreds of thousands of people by lying vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment about it for as long as he did for people with wet amd and then panicking and shutting everything down, a real ceo that improves vision and delivers a chance would have looked at it and for up to 4 months between treatments, said, okay, this is a real so i can do more of what i love. problem, let's figure this out. (♪♪) it's moving fast, people are (♪♪) dying, let's figure out what we're going to do and then he vabysmo works differently, could figure out -- a real ceo it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. could figure out does it make sense -- we're learning, this vabysmo is an eye injection. isn't the 1919 pandemic. don't take it if you have an infection, we're learning younger people active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. are okay. treatments like vabysmo can cause let's reopen the schools. an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary those kids, it's not like the increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. 1919 flu where it was the young there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. people who were all dying. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. right? most common eye side effects were cataract a real ceo, a real leader, could and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. have done that, but donald trump couldn't because he was so a chance for up to 4 months invested in lying. between treatments with vabysmo. it's no worse than the flu. it's going to go away by spring. ask your doctor. there are only 12 people in the country that have it. president xi, donald trump said, is doing a fantastic job. thank you, president xi on
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behalf of the american people. why does he get a free pass for that? why? >> and ironically probably ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ caused himself the election by centrum silver is now clinically shown you a how long that to happen. to support cognitive health in older adults. >> absolutely. >> so, eddie, this wednesday it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. after super tuesday is a great time to kind of take stock of so every day, you can say, where this presidential campaign ♪ youuu did it! ♪ is. nikki haley is going to get out of the race in about 45 minutes with centrum silver. with so many choices on we understand. so now we officially sort of there are so many tina feys i could be. have this two-man race, so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. president of the united states gives the state of the union on thursday. what is your sense of where ooh! things are right now? do you share jen's optimism booking.yeah about democrats? >> not quite. not quite. i think at the heart of this is going to be a turn out election and that is to say you say that trump has tapped out. what i notice is that you have the 20 to 30% of the republicans who say they are not going to vote for them and then we have to worry about that uncommitted folk whether or not they were in wisconsin, whether or not they were in minnesota or biden's base. biden's base is kind of worried
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not just simply about his age but also about gaza. joe, i think the age thing registers on two levels, there's the age issue around competence and there is the age issue around a generational gap. somehow he is not connecting with those younger voters, the issues that define our period, he is not even a baby boomer, he was before them. so there is a sense of disconnect here. i think at the end of the day in terms of the election, how will these two -- will the parties turn out their folk? will donald trump be that machine to bring those disaffected voters back to the polls? i don't think so. and will biden excite -- finally excite his base to get out. >> michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, arizona, nevada, georgia, 2022 races democrats won. they are like fresh off of this. i have a ton of faith in the turnout operations for each of those states. that's the other thing, these people are battle ready. i was in michigan last week, there was a republican this is what you hear from convention, it didn't actually
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the administration. they tout the unemployment rate happen because fist fights were breaking out and so they called coming down, more people getting in to the workforce. off the republican convention a promising sign for sure. jobs added 15 million of them, and, i don't know, let people vote virtually or something. 10% since biden took office, >> right. >> that is what's -- that's wages are finally moving up 15%. what's happening with the republican party. >> and willie has brought this again, another promising sign. up, too, arab americans, muslim the stock market hitting record americans obviously concerned in highs. and new home sales prices, for michigan with what's going on in most americans, this is the gaza. they should be, palestinians -- largest asset that they will people get upset at ever own. if you owned a home when biden congresswoman tlaib for doing took office and you still own it what she's doing. today, you are seeing they don't understand american appreciation of that asset. >> that was fox news host sandra democracy. she is a palestinian american, she represents palestinian smith highlighting president americans. they have a right to be heard. biden's economic accomplishments. they need to be heard. she did go on to point out the hardships americans are feeling they have been heard and they when it comes to food costs, gas and credit card debt. understand now. >> and those are the three i think they're starting to feel like the biden white house is issues that are real issues. credit card debt, gas, hearing them, pushing -- pushing groceries. aggressively against israel. >> but the b/harris social media account seized on the but, eddie, as willie said, here moment tweeting out the screen grab and writing thanks, fox is a guy that said, oh, you news. >> and neil cavuto has done know, let's just finish --
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finish the problem off in this, steve doocy has done this, israel. people on fox have done this. basically just let's just finish the problem. just wipe out gaza. that's what donald trump is saying. >> the president expected to the same guy who against all tout his economic achievements in his state of the union address tomorrow. advice, you know, moved the joining us now with charts on those numbers is former treasury embassy to jerusalem, instituted official and morning joe a muslim ban, talked about a economic analyst steve rattner. steve, what you got? good morning. muslim registry on this show >> good morning. well, i think sandra smet or back in 2015. we said, wait a second, a muslim smith or neil cavuto could do this as well as i could, but -- registry? this is nazi germany in 1935. >> oh, steve. >> boo! so it's not like after looking >> shock collar! at everything arab americans, >> this was not a plea for muslim americans in michigan are going to go, yeah, that donald sympathy. trump, he's going to fight for let me at least tell you how i us when he's saying basically see all of this because there is a lot of good news that the wipe out gaza. >> i think that's absolutely president should and will be right. when you make the contrast, when talking about i'm sure tomorrow we make the contrast, it's clear night. so let's start with jobs. that donald trump isn't the so since biden took office, the option here, at least for economy has created 410,000 new biden's base or the base of the democratic party. jobs a month and yes, some of that contrast has to be made, it has to be made at the level of
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that was coming out of covid, so if you back out covid, 290,000 detail in terms of those kitchen table issues, right? the issues that actually jobs per month. confront these folk. this is more jobs per month than around student loan debt, around any president has created in voting rights, around various history. >> steve, sorry, my earpiece ways in which freedoms as vice president kamala harris has been just went out. could you repeat that last line talking about have been under assault. i think you're absolutely right again? >> after you take out the covid in this regard but i think at the end of the day it's the recovery, this is more jobs per question of whether or not folk are going to actually turn out month than any president has in large numbers. will we see the numbers that we averaged in history. saw in 2021? >> in history. you mean like what, in the 21st >> we shouldn't underestimate the animation between people that are going to vote on century? choice. >> absolutely. >> every election since dobbs >> in like recorded history. i don't know what happened during george washington, but it the democrats have won. is more jobs -- >> and add in ivf now. >> recorded history. >> ivf. >> this is the party that wants to stop ivf, that's the message okay. >> so we're looking at wages, right? >> i'm not quite up to wages. from democrats. >> a couple say, no, no, we don't, and then the bill -- they wanted to pass a bill in the >> but wait, there is more. senate and republicans killed >> let's talk about the overall it. >> that's right. >> so it's still out there. >> yeah, it's staggering. economy. because that job growth has fueled a lot of economic growth. other noteworthy results on tuesday night, nbc news projecting that democratic
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congressman adam schiff will 8.6% cumulative gdp growth in face off against republican his first three years, more than candidate and former baseball donald trump in his first three star steve garvey for senate in years. second only in recent history to california. he held off democratic rifles bill clinton who took office as you will recall as we came out including katie porter and of a recession and got a bit of barbara lee. bunch from that. if you want to talk about wages, adam schiff propped up steve fwarvy, this is the outcome he we can-actually just one quick wanted. >> he got mccaskill. word about inflation. there was inflation at the >> he got mccaskill. beginning of the biden term. we were coming out of covid. that was brutal. the economy was reopening. we would have claire on, she'd had a bit of inflation. but look at where we are now. say, oh, no, i'm not doing last year 3.1%, that is a little anything. >> he got mccaskill. >> afterwards claire said, yeah, higher than recent presidents but in the strike zone and we put $2 million in his race. coming down and looking ahead in texas democratic economists expect this will be below 3% by election day. congressman colin alred won the but even with a bit of inflation, mika, to your democratic primary he is take on question, let's look at what has republican senator ted cruz in happened to wages. so even after adjusting for november which will be a fascinating race. inflation, the average american has 2.9% more income today than allred focusing his campaign on reproductive rights. democrats believe it could help
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them lead to victory in a state he or she had before biden took trending more purple. trump won texas in 2020 by nearly 6 points, down from his office. but if you were at the bottom qu 9-point win in 2016. >> and down from barack obama's, i think -- i think barack obama lost the state in '12 by maybe a rtile, up 3.6%. 14 or 15 points. wealthiest, just 2%. 15 points. so it's gone from 15 to 9 to, i and what that means, may not be huge, but income inequality got lower under joe biden. >> and we always talk about how it is always about trim lines. checked, 5.5. >> ted cruz just barely got past it has to be one of the first times in the past 50 years we've beto o'rourke in 2018. that's a race to watch. seen that sort of shift where in north carolina's race for the rich weren't getting richer governor democrat josh stein and and poor weren't getting poorer. >> yes, we've had a movement republican mark robinson easily won their party's primaries setting the stage for an expensive and high stakes november contest. going back 30, 40 years and is this one the first times that steins, the state's attorney you see it narrow, that is true. general, robinson the state's so that is another thing to be said about the biden presidency lieutenant governor vying to replace roy cooper. republicans are prepared to tie so far. >> and what is the next chart? stein to biden whose approval
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>> let's talk about economic ratings are under water in the state. sentiment. biden has a huge amount of democrats, though, will paint robinson as an extremist and accomplishments besides this. they don't have to do any the "inflation reduction act," painting. >> how hard about that be? chip act, "build back better," >> he's painting himself. prescription drug prices, we they attack him over a number of could go on and on. we know consumer sentiment was past controversial comments. he has attacked school shooting victims, questioned whether the las vegas massacre was real, has pretty tough. since he took office, it went suggested 9/11 was an inside down, down, down. job, the moon landing was fake. this is the average. he also repeatedly employed interestingly of course what you think depends where you sit. anti-semitic tropes, suggested democrats always more positive, republicans less positive. black americans should pay reb operations rather than receive but consumer sentiment bottomed them, also repeatedly derided back in 2022. and it has recovered pretty women in offensive terms and of substantially. and so you can see on average course donald trump endorsed robinson over the weekend consumer sentiment went up 28 calling him, quote, martin points. democrats up 25. luther king on steroids. republicans actually up even a little bit more even though >> what we are talking about still less optimistic. and so to the question we always talk about, why is this not in percentages -- listen, you're the polls, approval rating for covering your mouth. no. biden's handling of the no. no. >> holocaust denier. presidency, yes, it went down, >> but, wait, there's more. down, down, but look over here.
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i don't want to cling to small there's so much more that you take a state like north hope, but it does appear it has turned up. his approval rating on average, carolina -- north carolina is a state that, you know, by the this is real clear politics time it's over i would say, you data, for his handling of the economy has gone from 40% to know, biden lost it by 1.5 47%. so many people believe there is points last night, maybe he a lag effect, that it takes a loses it by 1.5 or 2 if he while for good news especially about inflation to be picked up concentrates everything because in consumer sentiment and it's trending democratic, but a translate into better poll numbers. and maybe we're beginning to see candidate like this, and we've a turn for the president here. seen this before, a candidate >> so taking all that data, everything you just told us, when you hear donald trump last this crazy certainly can cost night say our economy is in shambles, we're a disaster, the everybody up and down ballot a world is laughing at us, all point and a half, two points. the fact that donald trump has those things, what is your assessment of that take and how endorsed this guy and called him is the american economy doing in martin luther king on steroids, total right now? >> it is extraordinary that the let me tell you something, there are going to be some 30-second former president can stay stuff ads, there are going to be some on any subject that has no tiktok ads, there are going to relation to reality. be some instagram reels that, as joe likes to say, our economy man, are going to burn through is the strongest in the developed world, strongest north carolina like crazy. pretty much across the world. and it has outperformed probably >> i know that biden has
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what any economist would have guessed. low unemployment. always -- north carolina but now that state is truly in play and my job growth. inflation coming down. unbelievably strong economic there is a 12 week abortion ban growth. no sign of the recession that that the state passed. many people thought was coming. >> and robinson said let's get this is an economy frankly that that to six and keep going from many presidents would dream of there suggesting a complete ban. having. he also we should add called the >> better than doocy or cavuto? holocaust hog wash, called the civil rights movement, quote, crap and said that beyoncé is by a long way. >> charts are amazing. satanic. quite a resumé he's built. everyone loves them. >> didn't like the country song. >> the kids love the charts. i give my kids -- speaking of >> "texas hold'em". christmas, i give them rattner charts. stack them up high, open they >> mika plays it every morning. will up and they love it. >> you can frame those. until the dog stops her. >> thank you, steve. now the democratic party's >> and they have also -- when nominee for governor josh stein. the kids were young, i would mr. attorney general, thanks for actually get them and laminate being with us this morning. them and it would be the we can talk about your opponent in a moment but first let's talk about you, how you won in north breakfast mats. carolina. you've done it before as >> the belushi poster, but now attorney general beating a republican in 2016 to get your job as attorney general.
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it is rattner's charts. how do you run as a democrat in >> not a bad merchandiing idea the state of north carolina and for the biden camp. win? >> you talk about what you want they should make place mats with the chats and sell them as merch to do to help people. if you are trying to solve the on the website. opioid epidemic or you're trying >> steve, thank you. to make neighborhoods safer or coming up, we'll read from the you're trying to improve our latest op-ed by the "wall street public schools so that our kids can learn and get the skills journal" editorial board. editod they need to succeed or you're trying to make our health care system work so that people can access and afford the care that they need, if you work on real problems that make a difference in people's lives, voters will give that -- give you credit for that and what's interesting in north carolina is the largest voting block are unaffiliated. it's unaffiliated, then democrats, then republicans. so people really aren't interested in the partisan labels, they just want results. >> attorney general stein, this is eddie glaude. so you're right to talk about these particular issues, but hi, i'm kim, and i lost 67 pounds on golo. what do you do when you have an opponent like robinson? when i go out with people, they expect me to eat like a bird. how do you muster the kind of
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they are shocked by the amount of food i eat response to what will come out while losing weight. with golo, i don't need a cheat day of that campaign? i know josh shapiro because i get to eat the foods i like any day of the week. congratulated you last night. nice to meet ya. my name is david. how will you in terms of i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. robinson, how will you respond when i have customers come in to what you know inevitably is and ask for something for memory, coming down the pike? >> the voters of north carolina i recommend prevagen. could not have a starker choice number one, because it's effective. in front of them and what our does not require a prescription. duty, our obligation as a and i've been taking it quite a while myself campaign is to make sure that people have the information they and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, need in order to make the right "david, that really works so good for me." choice. i have spent my entire career fighting for people and makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. delivering for them, whereas he fights the job killing culture why choose a sleep number smart bed? wars and that's why we are out there trying to get as many can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait. no i'm always hot. resources in the door as we can sleep number does that. and if people want to learn more and support our efforts, now, save up to $1,000 on select sleep number smart beds. plus, special financing. >> mr. attorney general, shop now at congratulations on yesterday. as just noted, president biden this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts... at least at this moment is pretty deeply under water, his poll ratings in your state. in minutes! talk to us about how you want to
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-how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! navigate that going forward. who wants to come see the future?! would you want president biden to be there campaigning with get your business online in minutes you? >> i'm excited for the president with godaddy airo to come in and win north carolina. he has been laser focused on restarting the economy and we've seen it with massive investments, whether it's ev battery manufacturers or ev manufacturers or silicon chip manufacturers. so a lot of great stuff is happening, but we're applying for different jobs. he is applying to the voters to be rehired, i'm applying to the voters to be hired as governor. so my obligation is to make my case on why i want to do this job, what i feel like i can deliver for the people of north carolina and why they should ultimately hire me. >> hi, it's jennifer palmeri, it's good to see you. i know a little bit about your state, i worked on some campaigns there, too. i have two questions, one, how are north carolinians feeling about the super majority of the republican state legislature that pass add 12 week abortion
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ban among other things, overrode governor cooper's veto of that. also how are are folks feeling about that republican legislature and also the state -- my understanding is the state has become since 2020 more college educated, more urban, you know, have there been demographic changes that are relevant to your race, too? >> thanks, jennifer. well, you hit on a really interesting theme in north carolina politics is there's an inherent sense of balance in the electorate. they don't like it when one party has all three branches or they don't like to vote the same party on president and governor. it's interesting, north carolina seven of the last eight elections for governor the people have chosen a democrat in seven of the last eight elections for president they have chose a republican. it's just this sense of balance and what we have right now is a you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter republican general assembly that is off the rails. get your business online in minutes or a human cannonball... they are so far to the right. or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile.
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they are beyond what the electorate wants. existing customers can get a free line you all mentioned the 12-week of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! restriction that they passed on not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining abortion last summer, overriding the governor's veto and they're millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. not done. crystal clear the playbook is sure is a lot safer than becoming right in front of us, they want a stuntman for money. to eliminate abortion in north get a free line of unlimited intro carolina with no exceptions, not for a year when you buy one unlimited line. for rape, not for incest, not visit today to learn more. for the life or health of the mother. that is the position of my opponent and if he wins, he will go there. and the legislature will go there because, of course, they have jerry manned erred maps i believe in my approach, that keep them from being held but it's not what america wants accountable. right now. if i'm the governor i will veto i love arizona, and i am so any further restrictions on proud of what we've delivered. women's reproductive freedoms. we have a lot of hard work to do because i choose civility, but i think we can get it done. understanding, listening, working together to get stuff there is a changing electorate here in north carolina and i done, i will leave the senate at the end of this year. think that that will only >> all right. underscore people's upset and independent senator kyrsten anger at the legislature for sinema of arizona says she will going too far to the right and not run for re-election this their rejection of mark november. first elected in 2019 as a robinson's fringe extremism. democrat, she left the party and >> final question for you, mr.
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attorney general, as you became an independent in 2022. understand the most important in she most recently served as one the state of north carolina, of the lead negotiators in the saturday 6:30 carolina/duke at failed bipartisan border bill, cameron. who you got? >> oh, this is not fair. and appeared to be facing an >> who you got? uphill re-election battle. >> and, look, i grew up going to democratic congressman ruben gallegos is running for her soon carmichael auditorium and watching michael jordan, james worthy. i am cheering for the heels on soon-to-be open senate seat saturday. >> all right. go heels. probably the right answer. >> democratic nominee for north along with kari lake. carolina governor, the state's both praised sinema for her attorney general, josh stein. service to the state of arizona. congratulations on your win last claire? >> this is a woman that will night, we will be watching you here in the general. have a mixed legacy. really mixed. thanks for your time. >> thanks very much. coming up on "morning joe," she did some things that were could a tech billionaire help really head scratchers, particularly, the memorable donald trump erase his financial moment when she kind of disadvantage in the 2024 race? curtesied when she said "no" on minimum wage is something that we will have details about a reported meeting at mar-a-lago really stuck in a lot of between trump and, yes, elon people's craw in terms of the musk. democratic party. and also, her -- some of the you're watching "morning joe." we will be right back. you're watching "morning joe." we will beig rht back. stuff on some of the tax stuff was very bad. she would stand up for carried interest, you know, that was
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crazy. i don't know what that was about. but i do think, as much as maybe some people listening don't want to hear this. she did do some of the hard work in terms of negotiating deals to get stuff across the finish line. and people who are willing to compromise and meet in the middle are in short, short supply in washington. and i fear that after november, they're going to be in even shorter supply. she worked harder at getting along with republicans than she did the democrats, because she wanted to make deals. she wanted to get things passed. and you know, that's what she wants her legacy to be. i think, frankly, her legacy is going to be very mixed. >> yeah. >> i'm looking forward, though, i want your idea about this. she's now -- we've got a contested senate seat there, kari lake, interestingly, trying to move to the middle. kissing up with sinema and kissing up to megan mccain and all of that. she had a lot of problems, but was she a better candidate than
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gallegos against kari lake in that race? >> first of all, i don't think so. i don't think so. i think the problem with third party races is there's not enough of folks there to make it credible. she was going to have to get a pretty healthy percentage of democratic votes, and an even healthier percentage of republican votes to win. i think it's a contrast. and i don't think kari lake can clean up on aisle 5. i think she's made such a mess in terms of how bad she has handled all the maga stuff, and how much she's been -- >> just keeps videotaping. >> adoring donald trump. i predict she will not endorse kari lake. still ahead, we are following breaking news this morning. hours from now, nikki haley is set to drop out of the presidential race after her disappointing super tuesday results. what this now means as president biden and donald trump head for
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a general election rematch. "morning joe" will be right back. rematch "morning joe" will be right back (avo) kate made progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose
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you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah i'm jack black. get tickets right now for kung fu panda. you don't have time for a drum solo. get tickets! [ screaming ] get tickets! skadoosh. get tickets! "the new york times" is reporting former president trump met with elon musk on sunday at mar-a-lago along with a few wealthy republican donors. according to three people briefed on the meeting. nbc news has not independently verified that report, neither trump nor musk responded to the paper's request for comment. musk has been at odds with trump in the past and has never endorsed him but as the time points out musk's recent social media posts suggest he wants to see president biden defeated in november and donald trump desperately needs money for his campaign. meanwhile, a bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced a bill that would require bytedance the china-based parent company of tiktok to sell off the popular video sharing app within six months or face a ban in the united states. lawmakers raised concern that data from the app could fall into the hands of the chinese government. a tiktok spokesperson described the bill as a, quote, outright ban. for more on this let's bring in cnbc's dom chu.
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is there a chance tiktok is banned in the united states? >> there is a pretty good one if this legislation goes through. this is the house select committee on china moving to introduce the protecting americans from foreign adversary controlled applications act. it's a mouthful but like you said with the legislation it would threaten to give the president, whoever that is, the authority to ban any apps that are controlled by u.s. designated adversaries. so the popular tiktok app is being seen as the genesis of this bill since tiktok is owned by china's bytedance. the bill would tell them to sell themself in six months or face the ban. representative mike gallagher, a republican from wisconsin, the chair of that china committee, he said that, quote, this is my message to inc. it tok, break up with the chinese communist party or lose access to your american users. meanwhile the top ranking democrat from illinois said the bill would protect americans from digital surveillance and influence operations of the
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regimes that could weaponize their personal data against them. you mentioned the tiktok response to this so we will see how this plays out in washington, d.c. meanwhile, the consumer financial protection bureau introduced a new rule yesterday that said it would cap late fees that banks charge customers at 8 bucks per incident. it said it reviewed data and found that big banks that issue credit cards have been raising the costs of penalties since 2010 with those fees topping a whopping $14 billion in 2022. a tragic thing happened the regulator says that late during the election, it was a fees on average were $32 per tragedy. think of it, all the problems we incident, which led to an have today, you wouldn't have average of $220 in fees per user any of them. we're a third world country at our borders and at our elections and we have stop that. per year. many of those incurred by lower our cities are choking to death, credit score customers. our states are dying, and frankly, our country is dying. opponents of the new rules say our country is known as a joke. that this will lead banks to it's a joke. raising fees elsewhere in the other leaders, who i speak to, system which basically raises the cost for even more people. other leaders can't believe what happened to us. today is a big day for >> actually, other leaders -- economic and policy commentary >> that's inspiring! with jay powell set to kick off >> -- across the world, i've two days' worth of testimony to spoken to quite a few, they only lawmakers in washington, d.c.
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have one worry about america and it's part of that mandated twice a year testimony on the state of the american economy from the it's if that guy becomes fed chair to lawmakers and what president again. because, as you can tell, that used to be called the humphrey guy lied time and time and time hawkins testimony. he will start with the house financial services committee today 10:00 a.m. eastern time. the prepared remarks we have again. he can't help himself. seen will highlight the even his old, fat elvis, even policymakers are still focused on inflation and that risks that exhausted, even with his mind higher prices pose to the blinking, even with him not knowing what president he's economy still remain. running against. officials do not want to move to even with him not knowing who the speaker of the house was on lower interest rates too quickly january 6th, that guy still until it's clear that inflation is no longer a threat. that's what the message will be. lost, lost and confused and powell will address the senate lying. he said, our borders are banking committee tomorrow. now, just to put this in chaotic. why are our borders chaotic? perspective, guys, markets in could it be, could it be that recent weeks have ratcheted down donald trump said don't pass the expectations for the number of expected rate cuts this year so largest, toughest border bill that testimony will be key to a ever? lot of folks, willie, on main that the people that are actually guarding the border street, wall street and of were begging republicans in the course k street. >> thank you. house to pass? cnbc's dom chu, greatly >> and that joe biden offered to the republicans, with bipartisan appreciate it as always. legislation? >> exactly, and of course, you a couple things. first of all, tiktok being had a congress phelan oklahoma, one of the most conservative banned, the chances of that are,
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hold on, let me get my calculator out, okay, zero. actually drafting that bill. yeah, if the borders are still that will never happen. on the credit card issue, in chaos, it's because of donald though, it really is -- john trump. elections, he said, the avalon, i always love guys that are running, women that are elections were, you know, were running for congress that are knocking on doors. he kept talking about rigged. 63 courts, federal courts said affordability. affordability, economy's going donald trump was a liar. great in so many areas, three donald trump's own supreme court areas right now that americans said donald trump was a liar. are concerned about, and john was talking about part of this, the three justices that he credit card rates, groceries, appointed said donald trump was a liar. and gas, and that's where it the most conservative justices there said that donald trump was hits them the hardest. a liar. >> and the biden administration that there was not widespread has been good on this kind of stuff, the airline fees. voter fraud. remember that? every one of them said it. it might seem sort of granular, that donald trump was a liar. but it's the stuff that annoys and yet, he just keeps lying. the hell out of people and costs and willie, we've talked about them a lot of money, especially the economy, you look at the given the amount of credit card economy. what about crime? debt in this company. talks about crime. there are things that we don't that's probably a good move. like about cities. we think -- i think the city the united states not the only country with a key election this council in washington, d.c., the year. half of the planet's population is expected to vote this year. city council in new york city, the city councils on the -- they the editor in chief of semifor, need wake up!
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but the facts are the facts. crime is near a 50-year low. let me say that again. ben smith, highlighting critical crime in america is near a elections and candidates around the world. great to see you. 50-year low. unemployment is at a lower rate tell us about the idea behind than it has been since the this. 1960s. these are 50-year lows for >> i think at semafor our thesis crime, 50-year highs for jobs. is it's hard to understand these national stories without a global view. if you look at what happened to nikki haley last night, you see and yet the lies just continue. he hates on america, when loving america would be easier, he echoes of that everywhere. hates on america, when loving portugal is voting this sunday, america would be telling the and surprise, a far right truth about america. >> the country has gotten so anti-immigration party surging used to donald trump talking in the polls. this way, but it's worth pulling and you know, this year there back and considering the guy who are two kind of really big wants to be president again, one trends that we also see, the of the last two standing now, says, "our country is a joke." rise of this right wing populism he thinks the united states of that is defined by a specific america is a joke. and it's a joke based on all of style. the lies that he laid out. guys with a certain hair style in many locations. we'll spare you from having to >> wow. >> and then at the same time, a watch his low-energy speech last night, but it was full of lies sort of authoritarian tendency about the economy, full of lies in places, you know, obviously about crime, it was full of lies about immigration in this in russia where there's country. but he has to paint this picture essentially a fake election.
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of a nation in decline, despite in india where the government has taken control of the media to a large degree. all of the data that says otherwise, so he can again ride in mexico where the government in to rescue the country. also is putting a lot of pressure on the media. the whole thing is based on a i think you can look -- it's lie. >> i mean, who, mike barnicle, helpful to see that these aren't solely american trends and issues. wants to vote for somebody that >> so are you only paying lies about their country and attention to these disturbing tears down their country? trends? what people -- i look at what's going on in >> who seems to hate it? india, what's going on in portugal, what's going on in >> ronald reagan said again that south korea, what's happening in the u.s., are there any other america was a city shining more shall we say exciting brightly on the hill for all the world to see, fdr talked about trends that are happening with regards to democracy? optimism, the only thing we have >> i mean, broadly, no. to fear is fear itself. specifically, though, there are john kennedy when deciing to go these very intense battles, like the one we're having here happening all over the place. to the moon, he said, we decided you see actually in italy in to go to the moon not because particular, a real, you know, it's easy, but because it's the far right party that took hard. you go through america's power is really fighting for its life in regional and local history, it has positive, it is elections. in germany they're these very, can-do, it is keep your feet very contested high stakes planted on the ground and keep fights like you have here with far right parties rising, and reaching for the stars, casey this question of who and what is the coalition on the other side kasem, that's what the american starting to form. spirit is about. >> and is -- this is so it's what got the boys up the important. i think we do, oh, why is joe hill in normandy, on june the
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biden's approval rating so low? 6th, 1944, it's what helps us to it's like if you're a democratic leader, your approval rating is continue to lead the world low globally. i know it's early, but does the militarily, economically, picture emerge of why this is technically, you name it. happening? like what are the threads that we lead it. and yet we got this guy lying to you're pulling out of americans, saying horrible similarities? things about their country. >> there is this broad anger at saying their country sucks. and then maybe they'll see democratically elected incumbents that doesn't always track how are things going something on news max or oannn domestically. in south africa where things are that says a trans athlete like going badly domestically, you also have the anc might lose three years ago in boise played power for the first time since basketball and knocked a girl democracy came into place. so i think you just have this down. something that, by the way, 95% very broad anger at incumbent of americans go, no, we -- no, parties all over the place. don't -- that shouldn't happen. >> and it makes it so >> you know, the clip that we fascinating. played coming in of donald i'll give you some good news. trump, talking about the america that he knows, that he thinks he knows is stunningly pessimistic. and people thinking of running poland, here you have the law for -- voting for president, any and justice party in power for, what, six, seven years, and it candidate, trump or biden, they want optimism. they want, where are we going? was orban's hungary and law and
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they want sunshine. they want a belief that things justice party. are going to be okay in america. and against all odds donald tusk not what donald trump is won, and he won pretty selling. i think it's going to catch up to him in the long run, but the point that you just referenced, comfortably. donald tusk was as pro eu as he could get. june 6th, 1944, i was reading that win really signals a again, re-reading rick growing discomfort there. i've got to also say i've been atkinson's trilogy, the first part of his trilogy on world war fascinated, jen, by melania who ii, the army at dawn. and on the morning of june 6th, was at the white house recently. 1944, a young lieutenant, james she -- if i'm not mistaken, she came from basically mussolini's rudder, from texas, led the second airborne battalion up the party. people were expecting her to just torch the eu, and she has been a great friend of the eu. she's been a great friend of -- cliff, a straight-up cliff, 125 she's been a great friend of feet to a german pill box. and he went right at the ukraine. she has been a good friend of germans. right at the germans. the west. now, is she a liberal democrat? 50% casualty rate. why did they do it? they did it because we were no, but i wonder if in europe americans. and we were there to save europe there's not this sort of pull from hitler. and now all of these years later, we have to get together and understanding which they got in poland, if you want your
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as a country and save the country from the threat that country to thrive, it helps to donald trump proposes. not be fighting the eu like donald trump actually has said, we all know this, that he could solve the war in ukraine in one orban. >> i was really worried when she day. and we know how he would solve won. was the brexit vote in 2015, you it. he would say, vlad, it's yours. know, thinking whoa, what's he would turn it over to one of our fiercest enemies. going on over there. and so when she won, is that -- that's what we have to watch out for. as opposed to macron winning in that's what we have to protect. we have to protect the country that we love, that we believe '22, is that a precursor to an in. not the country that he describes so negatively, you're authoritarian winning here? it is interesting, with ukraine, right, each and every day that with the eu growing sort of, she he speaks. >> trashing the economy, insulting small business owners that wake up early in the morning, go to bed late at has moderated. >> she really has, and as far as night, trying to make their approval ratings go -- ali's businesses work, trashing entrepreneurs, trashing the really telling me to go quickly. people that make our economy the strongest in the world. >> that always works. trashing, mika, and i know this >> he's speeding up quickly. is personal for you, i just for there were 12 quicklies in 30 security reasons, i won't say who it is, but trashing people seconds. >> does he know that has the like one of your relatives, who opposite effect? i mean, seriously. i'm going go go as quickly as i could have done anything, could have gotten a job on wall request. financial times had an
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extraordinary, getting back to street, if he wanted to. the point about low approval could have gotten a job on main ratings, extraordinary story street if he wanted to, but about in western democracy decided to go into the united approval ratings really allow. states marine corps, decided to macron's approval rating 35% before the last election. everybody said no way he could give everything he had to be a win. what did "morning joe" bookkies put it at, over/under was 57.5. marine. we won't say where he is right now, but it ain't miami beach that's what he won by. you can't look at approval and spring break. ratings in the west anymore and and it's going to be a long, attach that to election results. tough haul for him. as this financial times article he did it voluntarily. that story is recounted every day -- >> many americans do this -- showed. >> president biden's not doing so bad relative to other leaders >> -- by thousands and thousands of young men and women. in the rest of the world. get y some coming from immigrant families, just like a lot of immigrants, whether you're talking about world war ii or whether you're talking about the election here. korea war or vietnam, a lot of you understand the media so well. worked inside the media. just about how we're handling immigrants coming in and this matchup again between joe deciding that they wanted to be biden and donald trump and a bigger part of this country. and donald trump insults our men differently than 2016 when donald trump was a new idea and and women in uniform every day. maybe he was going to come to washington and shake things up. now we know so much more about
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every single day. and i will say again, we know the way he would govern because he's telling us out loud. him. >> yeah. >> but who in the audience how has the coverage been and how should it go going forward? continues to cheer as this man >> i think it's been very, very different. trashes our men and women in in 2016 the media maybe naively, cynically saw donald trump as a uniform? you sit and watch cable news, vehicle for ratings, and you know, aired his speeches and got these young men and women in clicks, you know, from stories about donald trump. donald trump was all over uniform go through basic facebook, and the challenge the media faces now is even as this training, they kill themselves, feels to lots of people here they sacrifice their lives, they like an incredibly high stakes election with huge differences get assigned to go somewhere in how the two would govern i across the globe for three think a lot of people watching it are freaked out in a way that years. makes them tune out. for three years, committed to we're sort of struggling to breakthrough with audiences who one thing. don't want to read or engage with this election. and i think that may change, protecting and defending you, again, as the summer wears on. protecting and defending your that's where it is now. rights, protecting and defending >> yeah, i think by october the the united states of america. and you trash them? world will be tuned in. they may not want to hear it and you vote for a man who now. >> before we can go, can i say trashes them? that is just shameless. thank you to alex gorson for his >> one explanation for that, though, and by the way, that patience day in and day out. american story is one of the
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worst job in the business. many beautiful things that you i mean, thank you, alex, we love can say about america, that you. thank you so much. commitment to our values, to our >> thank you, alex, and thank you, ben. constitution, but one of the always great to see you. reasons why you have those people clapping is not just moments from now nikki haley will announce the end of her presidential campaign as the general election between the -- idiot's not enough of a president biden and former president donald trump essentially begins today. word, i think he has a ana cabrera, josé diaz-balart treasonous personality, this and andrea mitchell pick up the donald trump is working for coverage in just two minutes. russia. but the reason why these things get clapped for and support for is it's swallowed not just by them, but they get this information from the networks and from their members of congress. >> you don't think that donald trump is working for russia, you think that his actions help russia. >> well, i think that he -- i don't know what's going, honestly. >> we don't know what's going on, exactly. >> i don't know what drives his behavior that benefits russia. fair? >> yeah, his behavior, yeah -- >> do you think it's money? >> i don't know. >> when you're constantly undermining the united states' military and trashing them and constantly praising vladimir putin, i mean -- >> but by default, it's working
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for russia. >> absolutely. >> and how many people, how many times did you go to a military ceremony, especially in the armed services, and you saw these young men and women that have committed their lives and their families have gone along and committed their lives to protecting and defending this country, and yet donald trump trashes them. all the insults from republicans. you have matt gaetz going out of his way to trash leaders in the united states military. all of these people trashing our men and women in uniform. it's disgusting. >> i really thought the "access hollywood" tape was going to be the worst, but as it turns out, the worst was when he was with his chief of staff. >> admiral kelly. >> at arlington, and actually referred to the incredible people buried at arlington as
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losers. and this was a man who had lost his son in combat. >> right. >> i mean, when i heard that, i thought, okay, now, that's it. that's got to be it, right? and i've got to tell you, i think the reason he cozied up to putin, both before and after 2016 was all about the oligarch money. his whole rational for running was to make money. am i wrong? >> i think it was. he wanted more money for his brand and he thought that it would bring it. so i think it's about staying on the right side of all of that before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. it is 10:00 eastern, and we are following breaking news this corrupt money that that thug and morning with nikki haley expected to announce in just murderer, and person who hates moment freedom, that runs russia, is all about. >> all the people clapping, why, why? they're hearing it from trump, but it is amplified in congress. >> no question. >> on these networks that we've talked about too much. but they believe these people in positions of authority, who are supposed to be telling them the truth and standing by also, if you're a leader in congress, this country. >> it's true they're hearing
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that in their silos, but the truth is readily available, if you want it. so at some point, it's willful. and also, you don't need somebody to interpret you for a comment, somebody who die are suckers and losers. you should know instinctively that's wrong. when he points and asks general kelly, what was in it for them. if they didn't personally get anything out of this, why did they join the military? what did they die for? that's just who he is. we do have some breaking news this morning about nikki haley and her future in this race. let's go live outside nikki haley's campaign headquarters on daniel island, south carolina. that's where we find nbc news correspondent, ali vitali. ali, what's the latest there? >> willie, it seems like it was just a few hours ago we left here, wondering what would happen to nikki haley, and now, before the sun even came up over the charleston area, it became clear to us through our sources that haley today would not just
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be giving remarks around 10:00 in the building behind me, but that she would be exiting her race in those remarks. this is really one of those moments where we're getting answers to questions that we've been wondering for some time now. for instance, the role of super tuesday. and if that would be enough for nikki haley to finally say that this was no longer going to be her race, and that she was going to cede the space to former president donald trump. but in doing so, and in continuing to be in this race, she has been very critical of trump, on everything from his mental fitness to his moral fiber on the world stage. of course, you guys were just talking about some of the things that trump has said. and i go back to a conversation i had yesterday with a haley ally, who said, everything that the clintons did to trump in 2016 may have faded from the electorate's memory, but the biden campaign is going to revive that and more. you have to imagine that one of the voices they're going to be using to make that case as they now pivot to a general election is nikki haley's, because she has been clear and cogent in her criticisms of the former
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president, and that's not just coming from someone who was his active rival in the republican primary, that's coming from someone who was his united nations ambassador, and worked in his administration. to that end, it's even more strike that we're told that she's not going to endorse in these remarks coming up in just a few hours. it also makes sense, given the way that she made clear over the weekend, that the rnc pledge is basically just a piece of paper. she had to sign it to get on a debate stage, but it's not enforceable, and certainly, she is not going to be in a position of being forced into an endorsement, especially now as she leaves the race and basically says to trump, the ball's in your court, go ahead and win those voters back that i gained. >> nbc's ali vitali, thank you very much. we want to get to this "wall street journal" editorial board piece that writes about the gop's third gamble on donald trump. quote, republicans are nominating a candidate the public knows well and who most americans say they don't like. mr. trump never reached 50%
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approval in the gallup survey across his presidency. trump brings his own negative baggage, that democrats will reprise over the next eight months. mr. trump has benefited from being less in the news than mr. biden, but the republican will be front and center every day as the campaign fires up. mr. biden will poke at him like a dancing bear, hoping he'll act up and remind voters why they ousted him four years ago. his covid and other first-term outbursts will return in tv ads as will his disgraceful post-election behavior leading to and including january 6th. gop voters may have come to discount the events of that day, but we'll find out in that's true about swing voters in the swing states that have turned against the gop in the trump era. so what does the campaign need to do, looking at that?
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they will double down on a number of key issues in swing states. >> i think there are a few key things. i want to pick up on the things you're talking about today. when you talk about how donald trump is talking about how america sucks and you have laid out how it clearly doesn't. it's so interesting to see where the republicans are going. if you ran a morning in america spot, which was the pinnacle, when republicans were republicans that loved this country, and the optimism of it, and then you showed that clip last night of donald trump dumping all over us, that's the contrast. and that's the contrast that joe biden has to set up. you're asking me what i would do, a couple of things. the pepsi challenge, side by side, take joe biden talking about his love of this country and what's great about this country, and donald trump taking a dump on it. the side-by-side of them at the border, back and forth, the more you show -- we keep talking about it's a binary choice. the more you show these guys side by side, remember that meme that has a mash-up of obama
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talking about when he killed osama bin laden and then trump talking about abu, the dog, he died -- show these guys side by side. and the other thing, i mentioned this, picking up on your military thing, i mentioned this last week. i'm reaching out, millie, mcmaster, mattis, kelly, your country needs you. come make a plea and say that this man is not competent. if you love your country, you'll vote for joe biden. black and white, those four guys, those four great americans. if you're not going to listen to them, you're not going to listen to anybody. it's time for them to be patriots and stand up. >> let's bring into the conversation maryland's democratic governor wes moore. speaking of service, he's a retired army captain, combat veteran with the 82nd airborne in afghanistan. always good to see you. it does appear now that nikki haley at 10:00 this morning will drop out of the race, making this clearly now a biden/trump presidential run through
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november. what is the message this morning from the biden campaign as you look to the general? >> i think the message is, today only finalizes what the campaign has known for a very long time, is that this is a -- this is a very clear choice for the people of our country, where, you know, we have -- we have a president who is leading us through very challenging times, and actually delivering results versus the other person who's the former president, who's running simply for his own retribution. you know, that we have a campaign and a president that is focusing on making sure that he can enhance opportunities and pathways and freedoms for people around our country, versus donald trump, who is exclusively focusing on his own freedom and is going to spend the majority of the remainder of the year in courtrooms. so i think this is a very clear choice. i think today is just going to -- is just going to harden that fact. and that's why i think the campaign feels very good that the people are going to make the
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right decision come november. >> governor moore, one of the constant criticisms that donald trump makes is that the government under joe biden, under the democrats, does nothing to help people. that only he can turn around the country. that only he can help ordinary people. and yet, in concert with the biden administration, what has happened in maryland and could you explain the "enough" act that you introduced last week? >> yes. you know, i tell you, if he says that things aren't happening, i can tell you, he's got 6.2 million people in the state of maryland that would contradict that. if you look at what's happening just in the state of maryland, we have now, since i've been governor, we've announced over 40,000 new jobs in the state of maryland -- >> 40,000? >> amongst the lowest -- 40,000. amongst the lowest unemployment rate in the entire country, for five straight months, that we have been able to see economic growth, 20 points in economic momentum, which makes us one of the fastest-growing economies inside of this country. and we are taking a direct
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target on this issue of childhood poverty, and particularly generational childhood poverty. and that's what the enough act is. it's an act they personally introduced and testified on behalf of. and it really is the most direct and aggressive approach to addressing the issue of generational childhood poverty in our state's history. combining private, philanthropic, and public dollars to be able to target it towards the issues that the community says the ones that most need to be addressed. all of that's happening. the momentum we're seeing right now in the state of maryland, that's happening in partnership with the biden administration. everything from infrastructure jobs and electric bus fleet electrification. all of these things are happening because we have the partner that we need in washington. so i can tell you, when donald trump can rant about things not going well, he has people all around the country who are seeing the impacts of a partnership, a healthy partnership between the state governments who will contradict that at every turn. >> governor, i know you're not
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going to be surprised to know that i care deeply about the united states senate, and which party controls the majority in that body. obviously, governor hogan getting into the race is a little bit of a wrinkle in terms of looking at maryland as a safe spot for a democrat to get elected to the senate, to take ben carden's place. can you handicap that race for us right now, and what do you see is going to be determinative of the outcome? >> yeah, i know for months, ever since his retirement, you know, the old governor has been saying that the senate is dysfunctional, that they can't get anything done, that he would never want to be arguing with 99 other people, and not getting a single thing done. and one day, i guess, mitch mcconnell's phone calls were very convincing to him and his wining and dining of larry hogan and decided to get inside the race. one thing that we know is that if a vote that we're going to see, any vote for the old governor, is going to be a vote
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for the republican party. it's going to be a vote for mitch mcconnell and their ideals. i'm thankful for the fact that we have very good candidates on our side, and i'm personal supporting angela alsobrooks in the primary. but i know that our nominee is going to be in a very good position to be able to defend freedoms, and making sure that we're doing things like defending reproductive health and a woman's right to choose. making sure that we're providing opportunities, economic opportunities, and particularly for communities that have been historically disenfranchised and historically left behind. these are all things that are on the ballot. and frankly, you know, regardless of opinions on the old governor, these are not issues he's going to defend, because he is going to caucus with the republican party. and that is something that i think most marylanders will understand and will end up voting with our party. >> it's hard for me to believe as a former republican that i'm going to have ask you to stand up and defend our men and women in uniform from the constant
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attacks from republican elected officials. donald trump, who attacks our military, united states senators that say they're weak and they're woke, united states senators who say that russians are tougher than our men and women in uniform. members of the armed services committee in the house, trashing war heroes, people who have given their entire lives in uniform, protecting and defending the united states of america. but, i have to, because they just keep trashing our military. what does that -- how much does that hurt, as somebody that not only served honorably in the military, but also somebody that sees the young men and women
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that still put on that uniform every morning and sacrificed to keep us safe. >> you know, i -- i remember spending time just a few months back with some of our folks in the -- in the maryland guard. young men and women, and i joined the military when i was 17 years old. i didn't do it for political purposes. i did it because i loved this country. and i spent time with these men and women who were willing to put their life on the line for an idea and adeal. who were willing to put their life on the line for the promise of this country. and who know that there are potential very real consequences zp and sacrifices to them and their family for agreeing to raise their hand and they raise their hand anyway. i love this country, and i will defend this country, i proudly served this country in uniform,
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and i will proudly serve this country in any way that i can. because i believe in its promise. and to have someone who calls themselves a patriot, and who will damage and bastardize the whole concept of what it means to be a patriot for purely political gain is not just offensive, it's something that absolutely makes my blood boil. because i know what patriotism is. i served with people overseas in afghanistan who every single day exclusively got up and fought to make sure that the people to their left and to their right could make it home. those were patriots. and i'm a very proud patriot. and that's why i will refuse to let someone who consistently skirted away from having any type of service to this country, who the only commitment that they made to this country has been a commitment to self. to come out and bastardize not just the term patriot, but what it means to stand up and fight for the people of this country. you can't claim to love this country when you hate half of
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the people in it. and that's why i'm supporting president biden. >> maryland governor, wes moore, thank you very much for your service and thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> and claire, we just have to say, you were on the armed services committee, we have to explain, there's another side of that coin. you have the side where you have donald trump's republican party trashing our men and women in uniform, saying they're weak and they're woke. and then on the other side of that coin, you have donald trump and mike johnson and republicans in the house, sending the message to vladimir putin, take ukraine, we're not going to defend it. take taiwan, we're not going to defend it. funding for israel, no, we're not going to do it. funding for gaza, no, we're not going to do it. not only are donald trump's republicans and donald trump trashing our men and women in
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uniform, our military, stronger than it's been since 1945, relative to the rest of the world, not only are they doing that, they're also sending the message to president xi, who donald trump admires and loves, president putin, who donald trump admires and loves, kim jong-un, who donald trump admires and loves, america is not going to be there in the future. it is 1938, as dan henninger said in the "wall street journal," take taiwan, take ukraine, take what you want. >> yeah, it's startling that the republican party has come to this. especially knowing the history of the republican party, especially during the time i served on the armed services committee for 12 years. and you know, i got to single out somebody who's lost his way so completely, and that's lindsey graham. i have to single him out, because he kind of represents everything we're talking about, capitulation of failing to stand
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up for the ideals that he knows are right. he voted against funding ukraine. he voted. against it. this is a guy who used to walk up to me on the floor and say, we've got to do everything we can to cross-body check putin. everything we can. this was a guy who was the ultimate supporter of the military, the ultimate guy who was there to fund the military, and did not like autocratic thugs who murdered their opponents, and murdered family members. congress jong-un kills his own family to hang on to power. so it is really, really depressing to me that we have gotten to a point in this country that a guy calls the men buried in arlington losers and suckers is being supported by the likes of somebody like lindsey graham. >> before we go, really quickly, i've got to ask you again,
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what's wrong with him. when you saw him last night, he doesn't seem well. you know, we talk about his evil side and his crazy side, but i don't think he's well, and every time he speaks, i don't know if that explains his behavior, but that's something -- >> you're talking about how low energy he is. stumbling around. >> stumbling around. can't pronounce words. slurring. >> i don't think he's okay. >> he blanks out -- as we go to break, just for people that just tuned in. if we can show that clip again from saturday night, where he just -- he said saudi arabia, russia, and he just completely blanked out and powered down. mike? >> i was just going to say, on this note and in this segment, we saw optimism. we heard optimism. wes moore. that's america. >> america's great. >> wes moore. there have been a series of young men and women over the past 40 years who when flawed policy has been implemented in vietnam, iraq, or afghanistan, despite the flawed policy, they
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have said, i'll go. i'll serve. i'll fight for this country, my country, the united states of america. that was wes moore. that was thousands and thousands of ore young men and women. that's optimism. that's our future. >> and they're still out there doing it every day. while republicans trash them as being weak and woke. >> by the way, sorry, guys like wes moore are not going to take lectures on patriotism from -- i don't know, pick your -- don jr., when they send out emails and call themselves patriots and claim the flag as their own. and i think you're saying, everything you just laid out about the way republicans are talking about the country, the fact that they supported an attempted coup against the government, that they're looking the other way, as people sit in jail for beating up cops with american flags, people don't think -- they don't believe -- there's a subset, people don't
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see that as patriotism. that's ugliness. patriotism is wes moore at 17 years old raising his hand and saying, i'll go. and spending a couple of years in afghanistan jumping out of planes. >> the military, that's the secret weapon. >> here i am, call me -- >> -- the military. >> it's just being proud of the military. it's what, when i was a republican, we were proud of the military! you know, i would -- every d-day, i would tear up watching television, i still do, every flyover, tear up. i can't help myself. i love this country. and i know so many americans love this country. we're a great country. and by the way, i have always said it. we've got problems, we're moving towards a more perfect union. but when you have a guy in the republican party who says that our country is a joke, that our military is a joke, that our economy is a joke, that our
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political system is a joke -- it's so unpatriotic. and the fact that people are voting for that. >> mm. >> makes me sad, very sad for them. very sad for them. >> for our country. >> it is a losing, losing message. >> donny, thank you very much. and still ahead on "morning joe," president biden dominated the democrat contests yesterday, but there were warning signs in places like minnesota, where thousands of voters cast an uncommitted ballot. we'll talk about what that could mean for his campaign heading into november. plus, the latest on a potential cease-fire deal as a member of israel's war cabinet meets with top biden administration officials for a second day. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. re watching" we'll be right back. >> we are a nation that just recently heard that saudi arabia and russia will --
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welcome back. 38 past the hour. new york's first congressional district is becoming increasingly more important, as democrats look to take back control of the house this fall. democratic congressional candidate, john avalon, a former anchor at cnn is hoping to flip the long island swing seat, currently held by republican, nick lalota. he won two years after president biden managed to eke out a victory in the district by just 0.2 percentage points. and john avalon joins us now. so, why are you run?
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>> i'm running because this is what i think we need to do. this is a time for citizens to step up. you know, as a journalist, i've always warned about dangers to democracy, as writing presidential histories, there are times when our country is in danger, and i didn't want to look my kids in the eyes and tell them i could have done more when it mattered most. so time to get in the arena. >> so john, president biden won by a very slim margin in 2020 in that district, nick lalota, a couple of years later, the republican, won by 11 points. what are the trends in that district and what are people talking about as you go out and shake hands? >> lalota is the first one of those republicans ran. he's one of these trump flunkies. he's a follower, not a leader. i think that's out of step. this is a swing seat, that means there are a lot of, you know, moderate republicans, those folks who are voting for nikki haley this time around, who i think are persuadable. there are independent voters who i think you can win a majority over, if you fire up the base.
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and i think this election is going to be a very different model than '22, for example, when lee zeldin, the former congressman who held this seat was running for governor. >> is it immigration, john, the economy, what are you hearing most? >> immigration and crime are issues for sure. we saw that in tom suozzi's race in neighboring new york 3. but as a knock on doors, it's petitioning time, so i'm knocking on doors in northport and brook haven. and i spoke to one woman named beverly. and what she said really stood out is both typical and distinct. first of all, what's driving you this election? she said, donald trump. he's dangerous, we've got stop . he's a danger to our democracy. and what else, and she said, the thing everybody else says, affordability. i was just cutting coupons at my kitchen table to go to the grocery store later. but she said, it's interesting, i'm frustrated. i don't know if it's just inflation anymore, i think there's price gouging by companies. i don't know what it is. but, that was an interesting
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sort of, you know, twist on what you hear as a constant complaint around housing, health care costs, affordability is the number one issue that people are feeling in suffolk county. >> as we just mentioned, we had a race in long island to replace the seat vacated by george santos. one of the things he did is blame republicans for the downfall of the border security bill. i assume that's in your playbook as well. what other lessons did you learn from that race? >> i actually want to hammer that home, it speaks to the hypocrisy and the cowardice and the citizenism that we see. nick lalota, the current congressman from the district is implicit. if you're going to make people afraid of the migrant crisis, and it's a real issue, no question, right, then you've got an obligation to fix it. and republicans got the border security bill they wanted. democrats would rather have comprehensive immigration reform. we know that's how to solve the problem, but republicans said, no, for ukraine, taiwan, and israel funding, you have to do border security stand-alone. and then of course, donald trump walked in and said, nope, don't back this bipartisan bill. toughest bill you'd ever see,
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border security wanted it. nick lalota tweeted, he mocked senator james langford for doing this. he said, my 9-year-old could have done a better job negotiating bedtime than langford did on this bill. and that's the kind of bs people are sick of. if you're going to enflame folks and try to fearmonger. >> his 9-year-old could actually negotiate a bill better than what republicans say is the toughest border security -- maybe the 9-year-old should run, because what langford did was nothing short of extraordinary. >> exactly. and what really infuriates folks is they're not even putting it up for a vote, because they know it would pass. but when lalota mocked it, if you're going to fearmonger and mock it and refuse to fix it, that's a firing offense. >> yeah. >> john, you've only been out there a couple of weeks? >> two weeks. >> and what do you hear across the two weeks going door-to-door and walking around the district about the two gs, the grocery store and the gas station that
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play an important part in people's lives, added to the kitchen table, where they sit down and write checks to pay off their credit card interest rates, what do you hear about those? and i always couch it, it's not how much money you have, it's the absence of money in your lives. >> that's right. look, this is the fundamental issue. it's affordability. it's the middle class has been squeezed for decades, and folks are frustrated about it. and they've got a right to be. and so i think strength in the middle class is one of the things that we need to do as a country. it's not an accident to me that the middle of our politics have been hollowed out, while the middle of our economy has been hollowed out. they need to show government can work for them again, and we need to do, exploring the salt deduction, i think we need more affordable housing that works in conjunction with communities to increase supply and lower costs. folks are really feeling the affordability crisis at home. there's a lot of concern about protecting women's reproductive freedom. if you're voting republican, they'll put back that national
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restrictions in place. but affordability is the key issue. and leading into strength in the middle class. everything we can do to do that. that's behind the fact that sleepwalking and degradation of our democracy, we all have to be wide awake. >> you're knocking on doors, planting yard signs, shaking a lot of hands. it sounds like you've decided, despite being in tv and in media for a while, it looks like you've decided that you're going to run a hard-core grassroots campaign. >> got to do it. >> is that right? >> got to do it. this is about meeting folks where they are, doing the work. you've got to earn every vote. we've got to primary first, of course. you have to earn every vote and talk to folks where they are. that's the way -- look, democracy decisions are made by people who show up. i'm going to show up. >> democratic congressional candidate, john avalon, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> john -- >> we'll be watching! >> what's your website if people want to help out? >>
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>> that's pretty easy. >> if you want to talk to the younger families, go next door to crabby jerry's. >> i know that well. >> good advice. coming up, a look at some of the other headlines making front pages across the country. >> by the way, we should do a live show from there summer. >> claudio's in greenport. >> come on down! >> we'll do that. and also, i don't know if i've talked to you about this or not, alabama against vandi in nashville. >> oh, no. >> do friday before the game. >> friday before the game in october, everybody plan on it. we're going to be in music city. >> on the eve -- >> and we'll go to meacham's house. somebody tell keith, she needs to get some sleeping bags and some of -- >> keith's not going to like that. also coming up, new criminal charges for embattled democratic senator bob menendez. "morning joe" will be right back. bob menendez "morning joe" will be right back before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days.
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it's raining -- >> let's talk red sox baseball! >> our one free agent starting pitcher acquisition, elbow injury and could be out for the season. another setback for a team that seems destined for last price, a couple more free agents out there -- >> they will not go for blake snell. >> what about montgomery? his wife works in boston. it's a good fit. >> yeah, she's an intern doctor at one of the local boston hospitals and he has lived in boston all winter long. i don't know what they will do
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with montgomery. i strongly suspect they will not sign montgomery. >> is this because their goal is to be in last place five out of six years in a row. >> that's not their goal. >> how do you own the boston red sox and make them last place five out of six years? you know how hard that is to do in this age? >> easy for us. we have done it easily. >> they are making it look easy. >> they have a fairly decent minor league system now, and they are banking on several guys in the minor league system, that could be up sooner rather than later. >> how did this happen, mike? how did we get to the point where we would be last place five out of the six years? >> i don't know. >> you watch every game! you are called the man of fenway, and how did this happen? >> i don't know the answer to that question. >> oh, my god. >> i do know, this probably
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would be alex cora's last year there. >> yeah, you will say, listen, i will go down with the "titanic" five times. come on. >> i fear the red sox ownership is unaware or under playing the fan anger. they signed montgomery, still probably finishing fifth but it would be a sign we're trying, and right now this is the franchise that has really disappointed its fans since the mookie betts trade. there will be empty seats this year. >> you can't mention that deal in front of me. >> i know, i should have -- >> we are so excited about the yankees, and i think we can challenge for third place this year, and these scrappy yankee and red sox teams, climbing the
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ladder. >> are they going to blame heim in that st. louis. everybody that was blaming heim last year, and i said it was bs all along, and it's like when tj went to cbs, and when things went wrong here we still blamed tj. >> i think they are going to blame heim, and by the beginning of october of this year they will have somebody else to blame so heim will be put on a shelf -- >> they will blame tj. morning papers across the country, in georgia -- >> they are writing about how the red sox suck! >> everybody is. >> it's a health care system
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causing major disruptions across the country. change health care, a subsidiary of united health group announced its payment system was hacked. the department of health and human services says it's working to alleviate -- >> they have a suspect named heim. >> and then "the star" has new charges on menendez, the democrat and his wife have been accused of obstructing justice, and they lied to their own lawyers. the senator now faces a total of 18 charges related to corruption and bribery. >> iowa, the house bans absentee
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ballot drop boxes. the bill passed the statehouse with all republicans in support, and democrats opposed it saying it would make it harder for some to vote. >> and then yesterday ron desantis announced he is sending state troopers to vacation cities. troopers will help with directing traffic, crowd control and dui checkpoints. >> things have gotten so out of control down that stretch, ft.
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lauderdale down to miami, kids will be coke, and there will be fentanyl in there, and we saw west point kids -- >> it was one of the service academies. >> yeah, getting in trouble. this is happening every day down there. it has been absolute chaos, especially in miami, so the miami mayor and broward county officials and governor desantis said come down here, blank around and find out. i will tell you, there are relieved parents up and down that coastline, and should be across america that they are doing that, because it had gotten so wildly out of control. you are talking about curfews on a lot of streets in miami. it needed to be done. this was anarchy and chaos. later this morning, nikki haley will announce she's suspending her presidential
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campaign. >> who did she blame? >> jennifer palmieri and james carville will join us to discuss the presidential election rematch between donald trump and joe biden. you're watching "morning joe."
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(♪♪) we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪♪) with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah
5:00 am
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on the democratic side, president biden is cruising towards his party's nomination with a high stakes state of the union address taking place tomorrow on capitol hill. biden did have his first 2024 caucus last night in samoa. good morning. welcome to "morning joe." it's wednesday, march 6th. along with joe, willie and me, we have the host of "way too early," jonathan lemire, and john heilman is here, and former u.s. senator, claire mccaskill, and co-host of the podcast "how to win 2024." >> i love christmas eve.
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this feels like christmas eve. >> did you get me a present? >> i got you a -- >> we are off to a great start. >> i will not use the shock collar. >> i never had one before. >> we are 24 hours out from pumpkin gate -- >> he's 120 pounds, and he starts humping. >> he wants you all to himself. >> yeah, and hobson is right there. >> he prefers joe to you? >> no. >> when he hugs mika -- >> he's my security dog. >> when you hug mika, it promotes the humping? >> yeah.
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>> i know somebody can help me out. >> there he is. >> hobson is a very good-looking dog and sweet. >> besides the size of a shetland pony. >> steve kornacki is here. >> he doesn't want to talk about dogs. he wants to talk about maps. we all have our thing, and this is steve's thing, so go ahead, steve. >> everybody loves kornacki. >> i am allergic to dogs. >> boo. boo. >> i am -- i have nothing against the dog. >> he is hypoalergenic. trump emerging with 1,057
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delegates, and i think that number will rise a little bit. it may hit 1070 north of that when it's all counted and that's significant on the republican side because of this, the magic number of 1,215, and that's what is needed to formerly claim the republican nomination, and if you were to look at these results last night and look ahead to next week, what states are voting next week, it's georgia and mississippi and washington state and it's hawaii. caucus closed primary, and two states in the south, and we can show you donald trump was not just winning but by large, large margins. between the four states next week, and donald trump is on track to have a very good shot of clearing that threshold one week from last night on march 12th. we will see if nikki haley is
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still in the race, and that's on the docket potentially for next week. looking at the results from last night, we were talking early in the primary season, nikki haley, her line was she was getting 40 in south carolina, and she was calling it the 40% that was consistently not going for donald trump. that number is not what we were seeing last night. if haley were having a good night last night and getting the kind of energy that she did have in new hampshire and south carolina, a state like virginia would have been a ripe target for her. you have big population dense northern virginia, a lot of suburbs and voters with college degrees, her bread and better, and she loses it by 28 points. that's the worst showing than in new hampshire, and even though in new hampshire, and even though in virginia, more
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demographically favorable to her. even the haley folks thought they would wear north carolina, and there are areas, college areas, where it looked ripe for her, and she will lose the state by more than 50 points last night. you see it in tennessee last night, she doesn't crack 50. no surprise she lost alabama, and arkansas, couldn't crack 20 there. the biggest noteworthy state last night on this front is texas. look at this. she will lose it by 60 points. just talk about the areas haley had been doing relatively well in early, she won a congressional district in south carolina, and houston, dallas, a lot of suburban areas, and you look at the demographics, and
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she just got clobbered in the suburban areas. 52 points here. zoom up here. that's a little small. and then you add all of this together and she did pick off a win late at night in vermont. you know, we were going into this if nikki haley had a shot, vermont was top of the list, and she does get the ability to say she won a state, and if you -- i will show you california's results, too, and it's a closed primary and under 20%, and more votes to be counted. i point that out because one thing to be track something what was the cumulative vote last night, if you add it together, all the primaries and caucuses on the republican side, what share of vote was haley getting as she was using the 40% as a
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talking point on the campaign trail, and currently, and in california she's running just under 24% -- excuse me, just under 23%, 22.8% right now. if the california results come in and keep up where they are, that number could fall. the 40% she was talking about coming into the campaign trail, it's a tick under that. >> we have a terrier poodle coming your way as thanks for your friends from "morning joe." >> and a shock collar to go with it. >> who would ever use one of those ghastly things? willie, despite that donald trump was doing well last night and his side of the ring, a side
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that lost seven years in a row, and he kept trashing america. that's donald trump's message. ronald reagan, we would talk about we were a sitting shining on the hill for all the world to see, and donald trump's message is talking about american carnage, and an illegal invasion when barack obama and biden had rates at 50 year lows on the border crossings, and last night he said we were a third world country. are we really? third world countries have the lowest unemployment percent, and
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inflation at a historic low, and gdp, not third world but first world. we are doing better than our friends and allies and people that consider themselves to be america's enemies. our economy is stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world, and our military is stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world, and i am not being flip when i say look at taylor swift, and look at the fashions people are wearing, and the united states more powerful culturally, militarily and economically than ever before. we fret on a movement based on the proposition that the united
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states of america sucks. that's donald trump's message. i will say, fox news goes around talking about how america sucks, and news max talks about how america sucks. they are liars. they will find a trans athlete that competed in a race two years ago, run it all day and forget to tell everybody that the jobless rates are lower now -- >> or that donald trump was indicted. >> -- since the 1960s. they won't -- they will say, they will let somebody read a poem on a ship and we are too woke for war. the united states military far from being woke and weak, and
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more powerful, relative to the rest of the world's military than anytime since 1945. that's crazy. donald trump's campaign is based on so many lies. to me, the most offensive is that we are a third world country and our economy sucks and military sucks and democracy sucks, and just the opposite is true. we are the greatest in the world. i am proud to be an american. this is the greatest country in the world. yet donald trump wins votes. what is wrong with you people? why do you hate america? why do you vote for a guy that says america is terrible, that it's a third world country? willie, all of the evidence is to the contrary. this is why they lose every year, because they run campaigns dedicated to trashing the
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greatest country on the face of the earth. >> that was exactly to your point his speech last night, his victory speech, and he looked exhausted last night -- >> i feel sorry for him. so beaten up. >> he muttered through the speech, and he talked about the economy being a disaster. that's not true. inflation is too high, and no question about that. it's ticking down but still too high. our economy is not a disaster. he said we stopped producing oil when he left, and we are producing more than we ever have. >> can you say that again. maybe i am projecting my voice -- like you and i said, you will hear this from people with advanced degrees, and could you read "the wall street
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journal," it will tell you america is drilling more oil today than ever before, and when it comes to natural gas, our biggest problem is we got too much. we got a glut. >> carnage. >> he will lay out all these lies in the room to applause and cheers. people have access to the fact that could easily know the truth and maybe they do know the truth and it's willful cheering on the lies. >> when did rooting against the united states become a punch line? >> he has no rational for his campaign, unless the story is that america sucks, which it doesn't. if he is not coming in to rescue us from something, then there is no reason to vote for him. >> has he ever had a rational?
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he thought being elected with help his brand. people in the white house when he was president would come back, and i would say, how was it? they are just, like, he has no idea what is going on. >> you are talking about republican senators? >> yeah, republican senators would go to the white house and come back, like a meeting on health care, and they would come back and say he has no idea what the law does. this is not a person that cares about anything but himself. the sad thing is, he figured out marketing grievance was the most powerful thing he could market in america. there are a lot of americans, and we need to realize this, that believe they worked hard and played by the rules and somehow it has not worked out for them. they can't afford to retire or send their kids to college. they were looking for somebody that was going to tell them, you have been screwed over. by the way, the irony is this is
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a guy with gold toilets, and be that as it may, that's what is going on here. i will tell you something, last night was not a good night for donald trump. you know how many states donald trump won by more than a 70-point margin? two. you know how many states joe biden won by more than a 70-point margin? every single one but two. >> right. >> the party is united on the democratic side. they have a big war going on in their party. i guarantee trump will win that war, but they still have a war. >> we have reports that nikki haley called for a news conference at 10:00 eastern time this morning. some reports she may suspend her campaign. we have not confirmed that at nbc news, and she will talk at 10:00 this morning, and -- >> exiting the race.
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>> john, jump ball. go. >> i will go first. >> it's rare to beat him to the punch. >> if he got the ball first, i would never get it back. that's the lesson i have learned here. >> instead of the hobson, we will call you the kobe. >> look, she did put up a win last night and won vermont and the district of columbia over the weekend, and she gave a voice to the part of the republican party that doesn't want to go back to the chaos of donald trump, and she would beat biden somewhat handily from the snapshot we see today. that's not the case for donald trump. to her credit, she stayed in the
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race and gave a voice to audiences that would not have been given that, and there are many that heard haley and realized they didn't want to go down that path again. the gop is not ready to turn the page on trump just yet, and haley did her role on exposing some of the weaknesses -- >> we have confirmed now that nikki haley will drop out of the race at 10:00 eastern. she won 35% in virginia, and 33% in colorado, and 41% in utah. those are not insignificant percentages of the republican party saying we don't want donald trump. >> can you imagine barack obama running a third time and getting anything less than what joe biden is getting, 95%? >> what would happen if barack
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obama had run in 2016 or something, and i will say to your point earlier, her victories were washington, d.c. and vermont, and i do think -- i watched a little fox news last night, and karl rove was on making the list of the numbers, and he was very pointed last night, and even if it's in north carolina where the number was relatively small or places where she took between 40% and 25%, and any of those numbers, if donald trump can't claim all the nikki haley support -- >> we have that.
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>> here comes karl. >> the senior adviser to george w. bush, karl rove, warned donald trump could be in trouble in november. >> team trump ought to be concerned about unifying the republican party, because, as we see in the states, a third of the vote in virginia. 43% of the vote in massachusetts going to nikki haley. a quarter of the vote in north carolina. maine now dropped down to a quarter, but it was 31% for nikki haley. there's still work to be done to reunify the republican party. >> when i was a younger man, i am not as calm as i am now. if i ever had gotten in primary results that had me giving up a third of my primary voters as the incumbent or 40%, there would have been cabinets --
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filing cabinets in my office that would have been kicked over. >> maybe there's a sandwich on the wall at mar-a-lago. >> i would not have been happy. >> people don't understand, claire, that have not run before, how bad those -- we are not just saying this. people don't understand, for an incumbent, how bad those numbers are. if you give up 40% in your primary, or 33% in your primary, that's really bad for the election. >> really bad. the point is really important here. first of all, primary voters are not general election voters, they feel most strongly about their candidate or feel most strongly against a candidate. that's where the primary showing this kind of schism in the republican party is good news
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for joe biden. we can talk about uncommitted voters in michigan, but they are sending a message, and i don't think those are people that really think donald trump -- >> by the way, by the way, in michigan, did you see what donald trump said yesterday talking about gaza, let's just finish them off. >> oh. >> the guy that talks about the muslim registry, he says let's just finish the problem off. he's a guy that moved the embassy to jerusalem, and talked about a muslim registry. seriously. >> yeah, this is a real issue for him. joe biden -- i am not saying joe biden doesn't have to work hard in terms of keeping the coalition together and talking to those people that didn't vote yesterday, that only vote in november, but this is really a problem for donald trump. you know, the great thing about it, i don't think he even sees it. i think he's too busy saying is
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it quite orange enough? does it need to be a little more orange? >> that latest hair dye really bothering you. >> it is. last night, it's like it has a light coming from it that says carrot. it's crazy. >> just to go back where we were before, in history when jimmy carter got challenged by ted kennedy, and you go back and look at the primaries, and ted kennedy did as well as nikki haley is doing now, and people would say donald trump is not the incumbent president, but he is effectively, and the way a primary can hurt somebody, it's not contested -- he's a quasi --
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>> he has owned it. >> that's what this foretells is that nikki haley in one scenario, a applause were scenario is what could be done to donald trump as what carter did with kennedy. one thing to go back to what we were talking about earlier, donald trump's message of america sucks was powerful and potent in 2016. it allowed him to do things people thought he could never do. he came out of nowhere and ran the table. there are a lot 6 people in america that believes america does suck and there was an america in the 1950s or 1960s when there was a less diverse america and white people ruled everything, and grievance and
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nostalgia for an america back then that now sucks, it did well for him in 2016. i have to go back to fat ellis. it's fat elvis playing the hits that he doesn't recognize. the country and his party have not wholly moved on from, and it's the energy level -- i feel like i have been on the low-energy donald -- he's just playing this kind of like slow-paced kind of lazy and kind of tired version of the hits. the crowds are smaller and the energy is lower and it's not 2016. it's a retread, but it's a low energy retread. that's the difference now, right? >> you also look at a guy who --
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we have known him for a long time. we see considerable collapse mentally in many ways, when he gets up onstage and for any of us that have had loved ones, parents or friends who lost their ability getting into the early onset of dementia or whatever it is, you look at saturday night. his face twisted and contorted as he was trying to finish his sentence and having trouble completing the words. he's not what he was. you know, you could read -- i know you won't but you could read "the new yorker" article and the interview of joe biden in oshkosh, but if you really want to know the truth and if people have time for the truth, read that article. it's exactly my experience with
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joe biden, spending a couple hours with him. the guy knows the world and map and knows it forward and backwards. as i was talking to him, i was wishing dr. brzezinski could be there, because those two, they have had incredible conversations in the past and still would be having incredible conversations. no doubt, donald trump is in a different universe than joe biden. >> you never hear joe biden -- >> i have thrown the ball to you, and he swooped in from shortstop -- >> i am in position. >> go ahead. >> there's no question -- first of all, donald trump is only a couple years younger than joe biden, and he is showing signs of decline, and he speaks at far
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fewer events than ever before. the concern of fatigue and misstatements, and his first criminal trial starts in a couple weeks, and he has to pay half a billion in various fees. >> he eats badly and lives badly and doesn't exercise and is sitting all day, and that's the opposite of joe biden who exercises every day and is on a pretty tight diet. >> trump, at most, plays a little golf. the other issue is his campaign doesn't have any money. that's what is going to loom large as we go forward. this is where the general election begins, this is when it's trump and biden. the biden camp is dwarfing what donald trump has. >> the money donald trump has is going to the legal bills. he is hustling his hard-working
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supporters to pay off his legal troubles. >> not legally. >> they can't pay what he owes. >> what about family members like jared who has the arab money. >> yeah, he has plenty. >> now they are talking about elon musk coming in and writing a big check. he had a meeting, but do you think -- he knows he's a grifter. >> when you talk about the trump and biden comparison, i want everybody to keep on the apples to apples comparison. there's never a time when joe biden says he's running against
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bush. trump almost every day confuses biden and obama. biden, who is supposed to be the senile one, never, you never see that happen. he has the presence of mind to know who he is running against, and that's an apples to apples comparison. >> yeah, and nikki, nikki, nikki, he doesn't do that. and apples to apples, and i am dead serious, it's a shame donald trump won't submit to this because he's such a coward when it comes to politics, but it would be great to have joe biden right there, donald trump right there around any table and say there's no shouting, there's no insults, but we will ask you
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about policy and have them talk about policy. joe biden, like i said, can take you around the world 100 times. you ask him what is happening in sudan. he will take you through it and what the united states should do and what his administration is doing. you ask him about what is happening in ukraine. he will give you about five different angles looking at it. donald trump, he'll tell you, i would end the war tomorrow. that's a crazy thing that is so maddening, when it comes to issues, donald trump has never known them, claire, like the senators, the republican senators that said he knows nothing, they say that because he never made it his business to understand anything. there's no comparison between donald trump and joe biden when it comes to knowing the facts you need to know to be president of the united states, none.
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>> and remember, 16 members of donald trump's cabinet are saying don't vote for donald trump. okay? 16 members of his cabinet are saying donald trump is not the guy. meanwhile, you have joe biden. we know the real job of president, it's not -- he could win a "jeopardy" contest about policy, joe biden could, but that's not what the president's role is, the president's role is to surround himself with the best and brightest people to execute policy and his judgment is great. it's shown by the people he surrounded himself with. contrast that with donald trump. still ahead on "morning joe" -- >> he's bringing back bidenomics. he didn't have much to say
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because there's little news on the economy to share. >> well, growth has been strong, the stock market is hitting records. >> it's as if the biden administration burps out the statistics. >> the economy is not just good, it's great. >> i think fox may be bipolar. >> jimmy kimmel's take on mixed messaging when it comes to the economy. we will break down what the numbers really show when "morning joe" is back in a moment. is back in a moment
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this is what you hear from the administration, they tout the unemployment rate coming down and more people getting into the workforce and it's a promising sign for sure.
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jobs added, 15 million of them, and 10% since biden took off. another promising sign. the stock market hitting record highs, and new home sales prices. for most americans, this is the largest asset they will ever own. if you owned a home and biden took office and you still own it today, you are seeing an appreciation of that asset. >> that was fox host talking about the economics. >> the three issues are real issues, credit card debt, gas, and groceries. >> we talked about that yesterday. but biden and harris grabbed a screenshot and said, thanks fox news. >> and the president is expected
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to tout his economic achievements in his state of the union address tomorrow. joining us now with charts on those numbers is former treasury official and "morning joe" economic analyst, steve rattner. what do you have? >> i think sandra smith and neil cavuto could come up and do this as well as i could. >> oh, please, steve. >> boo! >> steve, a shock collar. >> this was not a plea for sympathy. let me tell you how i see all of this, because there's lot of good news that the president should and will be talking about, i'm sure, tomorrow night. let's start with jobs. since biden took office, the economy created 290,000 per
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month, and this is more jobs per month than any president created in history. >> steve, i'm sorry. my earpiece just went out. could you repeat that last line? >> if you take out the covid recovery, this is more jobs per month than any president averaged in history. >> in history? you mean in the 21st century? >> in recorded history. i don't know what happened during george washington, but -- >> it's recorded history. >> there you go. >> you are looking at wages -- >> i'm not quite done yet. one-half of a second. >> but wait, there's more. >> i know we want to get to wages, but let's talk about the overall economy. that job growth fueled 8.6% cumulative gdp growth, in his first three years, more than donald trump in his first three
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years. second only in recent history -- recent history, to bill clinton, that took office as we came out of a recession and he got a bump from that. do you want to talk about wages? >> i do. >> one quick word about inflation. we have to acknowledge there was inflation at the beginning of the biden term, and look where we are now. last year, 3.1%. is that a little higher than recent presidents, but in the strike zone and coming down. looking ahead, economists expect this will be below 3% by election day. even with a bit of inflation, mika, to your question, let's look at what happened with wages. even after adjusting with inflation, the average american has 2.9% more income today than he or she had before biden took office. look where that income has been
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dispersed. if you were among the poorest least well-off americans, up 6.3%. if you are among the wealthiest americans, just up .2%. that's not huge. >> this has been one of the first times in the past 50 years we have seen that sort of shift where the rich weren't getting richer and the poor were not getting poorer. >> yes, and we have moved towards income inequality going back 30 to 40 years, and this is one of the first times we have seen it narrow. that is true. that's another thing to be said about the biden presidency so far. >> what is your next chart going to show us? >> look, biden has obviously a huge amount of accomplishments
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besides this, prescription drug prices and the chips act and we could go on and on. when he took office -- since he took office, consumer sentiment went down, down, down, and this is the average. interestingly, what you think depends on where you sit. republicans less positive, but consumer sentiment bottomed, and you can see the sentiment went up 28 points, and democrats up 25, and republicans up even more even though less optimistic. to the question of why are we asking, why is it not in the polls? look over here. i don't want to cling to small hope, but it does appear it turned up, and this is real clear politics data, his
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handling of the economy has gone to 47%. many people believe there's a lag effect, it takes a while for good news to translate into poll numbers and maybe we are starting to see a turn for the president here. coming up, political strategist, james carville will be our guest. his big takeaway from super tuesday. you won't want to miss that when "morning joe" comes right back.
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